Secure 76 million vaccines… Overturning the criticized government’domestic production’ card?

President Moon Jae-in attends the’Corona 19 Vaccine Company Video Conference’ held at the SK Bioscience Factory in Andong, Gyeongbuk on the morning of the 20th and makes a video call with Stanley Erck, CEO of NovaVax. Andong = Yonhap News

The domestic supply of NovaVax vaccine in the U.S. will increase to 20 million people, not the 10 million people previously discussed. It means securing a total of 76 million vaccines, including 20 million for Modena, 10 million for AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Kobox, and 6 million for Janssen.

In addition, the NovaVax vaccine will be produced in Korea following technology transfer. Domestic production of modders and vaccines will also be promoted. The government, which was heavily criticized for the late purchase of a vaccine for a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), is showing a’backward feeling’. Above all, it stands out that it is a’domestic production’ that can provide a stable supply of vaccines.

Both NovaVax and Moder are promoting domestic production

President Moon Jae-in, who visited the SK Bioscience vaccine factory in Andong, Gyeongbuk on the 20th, mentioned △consignment production of NovaVax vaccine in Korea, △Securing an additional 10 million NovaVax vaccine through this, and △Transfer of NovaVax vaccine technology to Korea. On the same day, Minister of SMEs and Startups Park Young-sun also held a video conference with Stefan Bangsel Modena, CEO, and discussed ways to jointly establish a vaccine factory in Korea and jointly invest in research and development.

What stands out most is that the Corona 19 vaccine is produced in Korea. Corona 19 vaccine is difficult to deal with, and there are still various uncertainties such as effectiveness, so a stable supply of supplies was considered one of the top priorities. If the vaccine is produced directly in Korea, it will be possible to provide a stable supply not only for the first vaccination but also for additional vaccination in the future.

Moreover, NovaVax is discussing technology transfer with SK Bioscience. This is known as the first case of technology transfer by NovaVax. Originally, SK Bioscience was in charge of consignment production of AstraZeneca vaccine as well as NovaVax. Consignment production produces products according to the original manufacturer’s order, but if the technology is transferred, it can be produced on its own without ordering. The quantity can be adjusted according to the circumstances and needs of Korea.

Pharmaceutical companies using Korea’s mass production power also benefit

Another reason why NovaVax vaccine is attracting attention is that it is an antigen vaccine made from a part of the virus protein. Pfizer-Modena’s gene (mRNA) vaccine and AstraZeneca-Jansen’s virus carrier vaccine are new technologies whose safety has not been fully verified. Antigen vaccines, on the other hand, are traditional vaccine manufacturing methods. It can be distributed in a refrigerated state (2~8 degrees) and has a long shelf life of 1 to 3 years, so both distribution and inoculation are easy. When a product is released, it is evaluated that it will quickly establish itself in the market.

The downside is that the phase 3 clinical trial has not been completed. For this reason, it is said that even if the clinical trial proceeds without problems, it can only be introduced in the second quarter. The quarantine authorities also showed a cautious attitude, saying, “It is difficult to say specifically when the NovaVax vaccination is possible.”

In the end, the promotion of NovaVax vaccine production and technology transfer to Korea is a win-win evaluation for both sides. An official from the pharmaceutical industry said, “NovaVax is a kind of start-up centered on research and development,” he said. “From the standpoint of having to mass-produce the Corona 19 vaccine, it seems to have shifted to a strategy of entrusting production to local companies.

Moder, a bio-venture, also has excellent R&D technology, but its lack of mass production capability was cited as a weakness. CEO Bancel, who made a video call with President Moon last year, expressed great expectations for cooperation with South Korea and said, “It will be possible to build large-scale production capacity during consignment production.”

President Moon Jae-in is visiting SK Biosciences in Andong City, Gyeongbuk on the morning of the 20th, and while looking around the COVID-19 vaccine production facility, he is asking SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won. Andong = Senior Reporter Wang Tae-seok

“Cobox vaccine for 50,000 people, introduced in early February”

Meanwhile, the speed of domestic introduction of the Corona 19 vaccine is also expected to increase slightly. Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun appeared on a radio program that day and said, “We are in discussions to have 50,000 coboxes arrive in early February.” Yes, but once this agreement is reached, vaccination will be possible in early and mid-February.

As a result, the quarantine authorities are also accelerating the preparation of vaccinations. Shin Hye-kyung, head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said, “The type, quantity, and supply timing of the nose box vaccine will be confirmed at the end of this month,” he said. “Based on a hypothetical scenario, we are reviewing vaccine distribution, vaccination location and personnel.” Side effects) Monitoring system construction has also begun, said Han Soon-young, head of the Korea Pharmaceutical Safety Management Agency, “plans to develop a side effect prevention service by analyzing data received from companies and medical institutions.”

Lim So-hyung reporter

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