Searching for people in Baidu, China… “Yun Dong-ju, Chinese Korean-Chinese”

If you search for Yun Dong-ju in the Baidu Encyclopedia, nationality is marked as'China (中国)' and ethnicity as'Chosun people (朝鮮族)'.  Provided by | Professor Kyung-Duk Seo's team

picture explanationIf you search for Yun Dong-ju in the Baidu Encyclopedia, nationality is marked as’China (中国)’ and ethnicity as’Chosun people (朝鮮族)’. Provided by | Professor Kyung-Duk Seo’s team

[매일경제 스타투데이 성정은 기자]

Yun Dong-ju, Yun Bong-gil, Korean-Chinese?

While Korean netizens are complaining about the embarrassing arguments of some Chinese netizens who claim that Korea’s representative kimchi and hanbok are Chinese, this time the issue of distorted marking on Chinese portals was pointed out.

Suh Kyung-deok, a professor at Sungshin Women’s University, who is constantly responding to the distortions of China’s history and culture, said on the 16th, “We sent a protest email to Baidu, China’s representative portal site, to correct the nationality and ethnicity of independence activists.”

After the protest began on December 30 of last year in line with the birth date of poet Yun Dong-ju, there was no change until the day of his country’s death on February 16, so he made a request for correction again. Up to now, the Baidu Encyclopedia has indicated that the nationality of the poet Yun Dong-ju is’China’ and the nation as’Chosun tribes’ (朝鮮族).

Prof. Kyung-Duk Seo’s team investigated not only Dong-ju Yun, but also other independence activists, and found that Bong-Chang Lee and Bong-gil Yoon introduced nationality as “Chosun” and ethnicity as “Chosun peoples”.

In addition, Yu Gwan-soon, Kim Gu, Ahn Chang-ho, Lee Hoe-young, and Hong Beom-do correctly indicated their nationality as’Korea’, but did not indicate ethnicity. In particular, Shin Shin-sik has no nationality category, and Dong-nyeong Lee has neither nationality nor ethnicity.

중국 연변조선족자치주 용정 마을 윤동주의 생가 입구 표지석에 '중국조선족애국시인'이라고 적혀 있다.

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Provided by|Professor Kyung-Duk Seo’s Team”>

picture explanation‘Chinese Korean Patriotic Poet’ is written on the signpost at the entrance of Yun Dong-ju’s birthplace in Yongjeong village in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Region, China. Provided by | Professor Kyung-Duk Seo’s team

Professor Seo pointed out that “In Yongjeong Village, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Region in Jilin Province, China, there is the birthplace of Yun Dong-ju, and it is also a big problem that the entrance to the birthplace is marked as’Chinese Korean Patriotic Poet.”

He added, “In the Chinese version of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, historical great figures such as King Sejong and Kim Gu and Hallyu stars such as Kim Yu-na and Lee Young-ae are also introduced as’Chosun tribes,’ which is controversial.”

Professor Seo emphasized, “It is more important not only to be angry about China’s historical distortions, but to tell us exactly what went wrong and take steps to correct it correctly.”

[email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
