Se-Hoon Oh and Chul-Soo Ahn “I will conquer whoever becomes the single candidate for the opposition championship”

On the morning of the morning of the 21st, the People’s Power and the People’s Party made a final agreement on a poll method for unifying the opposition of the Seoul Mayor by-election. Accordingly, the two parties will go through a public opinion poll on the 22nd and 23rd and announce the final results of the unification on the 23rd as early as the 24th at the latest. News 1

The power of the people in the by-election of the 4/7 mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-hoon and Candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the People’s Party, shouted out their willingness to conquer the results, saying, “Whoever (candidate for unification of the opposition) will play with him.

Candidate Oh met reporters after meeting on-site in Mapo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 21st and emphasized, “Whoever you are, if the candidate for unification is decided, we will run together as one camp.” He added, “I am sorry that the (unification negotiation) was settled too late.”

Candidate Ahn also said at the site of his visit to an old apartment in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul that afternoon, “I am very glad to reach this agreement.” He added, “We have promised each other with Candidate Oh that we will help them win when a single candidate is elected,” he added. “I will work together to ensure that a single candidate in the opposition can win,” he added.

In the morning negotiations, the two working-level negotiations agreed to determine a single candidate based on the results of the two polls conducted by two public opinion polling agencies on the 22nd and 23rd. The results will be announced as early as the afternoon of the 23rd, at the latest on the 24th, the day before the start of the official election campaign.

Jaeyeon Park reporter

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