Se-Hoon Oh “An unusual country that calls North Korean missiles an unknown launch vehicle”

Candidate Se-hoon Oh Se-hoon, Mayor of the People's Power, is appealing for a vote with a campaign in front of Nowon Station in Seoul on the 25th, the first day of the official election campaign for the 4-7 re-election.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Candidate Se-hoon Oh Se-hoon, Mayor of the People’s Power, is appealing for a vote with a campaign in front of Nowon Station in Seoul on the 25th, the first day of the official election campaign for the 4-7 re-election. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

On the 26th, the Day of Protection of the West Sea, Mayor Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people, continued the’security walk’.

Candidate Oh said on his Facebook page that morning, “Korea will never forget you.” I sincerely thank you for the sacrifice and dedication of Boon’s warriors.”

“We live in an unusual country where the issue of President Moon Jae-in’s attendance at the ceremony is an issue.” Pointed out.

“I want to believe that President Moon Jae-in’s actions have nothing to do with the election,” Oh added.

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon's Power of the People Facebook. [페이스북 캡처]

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon’s Power of the People Facebook. [페이스북 캡처]

Regarding North Korea’s missile launch test in the East Sea the day before, Candidate Oh said, “I live in an unusual country with a military that cannot call a missile as a missile and say’unknown projectile’. I want to believe that this is not’because of seeing North Korea’s eyes’,” he pointed out again.

He said, “Korea is a country built on the blood and sweat of those who sacrificed for the country.”

The Day of the West Sea Protection was established as a government anniversary in 2016 to commemorate the 55 soldiers of the West Sea Protection, who were victims of the 2nd Yeonpyeong Sea Battle, the attack of the Cheonan and the Yeonpyeong Island bombardment. The ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. at the 2nd Fleet Command in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do.

Reporter Oh Won-seok [email protected]
