Se-Hoon Oh “An, accepting all words, no specific content…unification until the 24th”

Input 2021.03.19 13:49 | Revision 2021.03.19 14:32

“I judged that there was no new content”

Regarding the comments of candidate Oh Se-hoon, Mayor of Seoul Mayor Ahn Cheol-soo, who said, “I will accept the unification plan for the people’s power side,” he said, “All words are accepted, there are no specific details.” Candidate Oh said at a press conference at the National Assembly that day, “Ahn said that he accepted all the conditions, and it was not so because I heard the words of Secretary-General Lee Tae-gyu, Secretary-General of the People’s Strength,” he said.

Former Congressman Oh Se-hoon, who was elected as a candidate for the Mayor of the People’s Power of Seoul, gives a speech on acceptance of the candidate at the 4.7 by-election at the Central Party of the People’s Power in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 4th./Yonhap News

Candidate Oh said, “We must not stop the unification negotiations at the meeting with the candidate within 9:30 am this morning, so we agreed in principle on the words to continue and to settle before the legal election day (25th).” After breaking up, Candidate Ahn held a press conference.”

Candidate Oh said, “Combining the words of Candidate Ahn and Secretary General Lee, it is about the degree of requesting the resumption of new negotiations.” He said, “We decided that Ahn had requested to resume negotiations, and that there was no new content.”

Candidate Oh also mentioned a part of Ahn’s press conference that “I will accept the unification method requested by Chairman Kim Jong-in and Candidate Se-hoon Oh” and said, “There is not a separate proposal for the power of the people and the power of the people. It would be nice.”

Candidate Oh said, “I am sorry as one of the candidates for having different opinions from Representative Ahn and causing such confusion to the public as a result of the different opinions of Secretary-General Lee.” I will respond to it.”
