School zone elementary school student died… Illegal right turn freighter “I didn’t see a child”

Elementary school student died in Incheon School Zone… ‘Illegal right turn’ cargo driver “I didn’t see a child”.

A, a truck driver in the 60s, who killed and hit an elementary school student in a children’s sanctuary in front of an elementary school in Incheon, came to the warrant.

Mr. A, who is accused of lethal in a children’s protection zone, appeared in the Incheon District Court in a police convoy at around 1:50 pm today (22nd).

A truck driver in the 60s who killed an elementary school student by driving a truck in front of an elementary school in Incheon is entering the Incheon District Court on the afternoon of the 22nd.A truck driver in the 60s who killed an elementary school student by driving a truck in front of an elementary school in Incheon is entering the Incheon District Court on the afternoon of the 22nd.

The reporter asked Mr. A, “Why did he make an illegal right turn?” “Did you know if the accident was in the school zone?” “Did you drive at a speed?” “Do you have anything to say to the dead child?”

He nodded his head up and down when asked, “Have you seen an elementary school student at the time of the accident?”

Mr. A is accused of killing a 4th grade elementary school girl who was crossing a crosswalk in front of an elementary school in Sinheung-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon at around 1:50 pm on Thursday last week.

At the time of the accident, JTBC’s report revealed that Mr. A violated the regulations of the Road Traffic Law, saying,’You must make a right turn while moving slowly along the right edge of the road’, and made an illegal right turn at the 2nd lane, which is a straight lane out of the 3rd one way.

A truck driver who had an accident was found to have made an illegal right turn on the 2nd lane, which is a straight lane among the 3rd lane of one way, violating the regulations of the Road Traffic Law, ``You must make a right turn while moving slowly along the right edge of the road in advance.'' / JTBC 〈News Room > capture” src=””/><span class=A truck driver who had an accident was found to have made an illegal right turn on the 2nd lane, which is a straight lane among the 3rd lane of one way, violating the regulations of the Road Traffic Law, “You must make a right turn while moving slowly along the right edge of the road in advance.” / JTBC 〈News Room > capture

Usually, children’s protection zones often have a speed limit of 30 km/h.
However, the vehicle speed limit was 50 km/h, even though the accident was in a child protection area. This is because the speed limit for vehicles in children’s areas is determined by the police taking into account the traffic flow.

After the accident, police said they would lower the speed limit in front of the school from 50 km/h to 30 km/h.

The decision on whether or not the truck driver A will be arrested will be decided later this afternoon.

