School bullies who were not punished in time, called’social punishment’ [‘학폭 미투’ 파문]

Broadcasters, gymnasts, and gangsters are expelled from Me Too
“Political party” dominance in criticism of “excessive treatment”
Distrust of law enforcement agencies and educational authorities
Expectations and exposure to moral criticism

Why is the endless disclosure
In case of a situation, it is urgent to rest
The victim didn’t get a proper apology
Even the perpetrators are deprived of the opportunity to be forgiven
Only the perpetrators are happy after time
Watching on TV and resolving the victim’s wounds
Strengthen family, school and social responsibility

“The achievements they have achieved have been achieved through violence and cruelty. I don’t want to see them win and win anymore.”, “I have to show young people an example,’If you commit school violence, you can lose everything.”

Recently, there are cases where celebrities such as broadcasters and athletes are being subjected to’social punishment’ such as dropping off audition programs or suspension of participation in competitions for school violence committed in the past. In the case of celebrities, if they are designated as school violence perpetrators, it is common for them to rise to the’judgment of public opinion’ and lose their social status. The mistakes made in the past as adolescents become a huge boomerang and come back. Some criticize the belated fierce blame as’excessive treatment’, but there are many opinions that such social punishment is’justified’. At least, the perpetrators of school violence should not live with popularity and wealth while appearing on TV and commercials. Some observers say that clearly showing signs that the perpetrators of school violence cannot succeed socially will help establish a culture of eradication of school violence.

The problem is that there are no socially agreed standards for how far these levels of social punishment are appropriate. It gets even more complicated when the perpetrator is not a celebrity, but an ordinary person.

◆ “The perpetrator must be condemned” Consensus… Controversy over the level of punishment’Bunbun’

In recent years, there is a situation where’me to fight school violence’ targeting the general public is continuously erupting, but opinions are divided as to whether social punishment is possible for them. What many people lean on social punishment is, on the one hand, evidence that punishment for the perpetrator or apology for the victim was not made in time. Experts point out that this situation should be turned into an opportunity to improve the school violence case handling system. The events that have already happened in the past cannot be reversed, but if we change it now, we can reduce the exposure that will come in 10 years.

◆Societies that cannot be punished properly

“The current system does not protect victims. Social punishment must be publicized.” This is a comment on the recent article on school violence of sisters Lee Da-young and Lee Jae-young, volleyball players. Many who have seen this incident say that social punishment is’justice’. School violence leaves indelible scars on victims, so it is unacceptable for perpetrators to live with public love. The controversy over school violence between the two players is spreading in all directions in society, beyond the athletic world.

On the 17th, online communities such as Blinds and Natepan are exposed to the children of the incumbent superintendent, incumbent police officers, and airline employees. The person who wrote that he was constantly bullied and violence 20 years ago wrote, “The perpetrator seems to be having a happy day, but the person who suffered the damage will remember it forever.

Many people support such disclosure, but some point out that it is defamatory to disclose personal information to identify the perpetrator. One attorney said, “If there is a possibility that the exposure of the victim is viewed as personal revenge rather than for public interest, there is room for defamation according to factual time.”

In particular, there is a controversy over whether it is justifiable for the general public to receive disciplinary punishment, such as disciplinary action, from the institution or company he belongs to for being an offender of school violence. Attorney Kim Young-mi (Soongin Law Firm) said, “It is correct that an apology and reasonable punishment should be made to the victim.” Pointed out.

There is also an objection that such revelation is’the last resort’. Because there is nothing more victims can do about past events, they have no choice but to resort to the social punishment of’moral criticism’. In fact, there aren’t many ways to legally punish the perpetrators in writings that expose school violence, so the response is that it deserves such criticism.

◆ Create a proper punishment and victim relief system

In other words, it means that the case has not been handled properly in the past. This can be seen as an expression of distrust in responding to law enforcement agencies and educational authorities.

Currently, there is no separate punishment law for school violence, and if the degree is severe, charges of general assault and injury are applied. In the case of minor disciplinary action, it is pointed out that it is a system that is advantageous to the perpetrator, such as not being recorded in the living records at first. As the situation is like this, even a’school violence solution company’ has emerged that solves problems privately without going through the school violence committee.

There is a high voice that this incident should help prevent school violence and prepare ways to relieve victims of abuse, such as psychological counseling. “The most regrettable thing is that ’10 years ago, when we watched the exposure of school violence, we should have solved it,” said Lee Sun-young, head of the school violence prevention support organization Green Tree Foundation. He stressed that there is a need for a system that allows the recovery of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim.”

Professor Park Nam-gi of Gwangju National University of Education (pedagogy) said, “School violence is also responsible for the home, school, and society. It is important to educate them so that they can live.” “There is no way to fundamentally stop school violence, but we need to reduce potential perpetrators and victims by using the case raised this time.”

Reporters Yuna Kim and Jongmin Lee [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
