Sayuri’s’Sbuck controversy’ unexpected fire… Handwriting list problem was revealed

Handwritten access list written at cafes in Seoul.  yunhap news

Handwritten access list written at cafes in Seoul. yunhap news

Broadcaster Sayuri’s controversy over’Deny entry to Starbucks’ has shifted to the issue of written access lists. As a guideline was announced that an identification card must be presented when creating a handwritten list that was not well kept on site. The Seoul Metropolitan Government decided that the effectiveness of making a handwritten list was low, and suggested a safe call method using the telephone as an alternative to the central government.

Sayuri went into Starbucks with her young son after a fire broke out in the basement of her apartment, but she couldn’t get her cell phone because she was in a hurry. On the 23rd, he shared the story on his Instagram on the 23rd that he couldn’t enter the store because he couldn’t check in with the QR code.

Sayuri said, “I don’t want you to leave the store because you don’t have a mobile phone in the cold,” Starbucks said on the 24th, “In accordance with the government’s quarantine guidelines, you have to check in a QR code or check your ID and write a handwritten list I guided you to do it,” he explained. Sayuri apologized the next day, saying, “I have a principle to follow, but I made a big mistake in an urgent heart.”

If you don’t keep’ID card check’, you will be fined

Broadcaster Sayuri.  Daily Sports

Broadcaster Sayuri. Daily Sports

The controversy was settled with the voices of both sides, but several questions were raised in the process.
First of all, the question is whether you should write your resident registration number on the handwritten list. It is a curiosity that emerged from the disclosure of Starbucks’ position at the beginning that “the employee at the branch pointed out that they should write their resident registration number on a handwritten list and check their ID”. However, this was identified as a falsely known fact.

A Starbucks official said in a call with the JoongAng Ilbo on the 25th, “The employee instructed to write down the phone number, but communication seems to be wrong in the media response process after the incident was known.” According to the government’s quarantine guidelines, the place of residence and telephone number must be written in the handwritten list.

Even in the context of having to check the ID, many netizens have expressed the question that “I have never been asked to present an ID when writing a handwritten list at a cafe.” However, according to the quarantine guidelines, when writing a handwritten list, you must present your ID. This is to confirm that you are yourself. If caught by not following this, a penalty of 1.5 million won will be imposed on the owner.

However, it is pointed out at the site that there are many business sites that do not check their ID card and that it is difficult to crack down on this part. A local government official said, “Even if you check your ID, it is difficult to determine if false information has been written on the list,” he said. “This is why we think the effectiveness of the manual list is low.” In the middle of this month, the Seoul Metropolitan Government suggested to the Central Accident Response Headquarters to introduce a relief call system using a relief number instead of a handwritten list in about 160,000 cafes, restaurants, and entertainment facilities.

[사진 사유리 인스타그램]

[사진 사유리 인스타그램]

Suggested “Introduction of safe call instead of a list of seasons”

Safe call access management is a system that automatically stores access time and number when a security number is assigned to a business site and when a visitor calls this number. The city of Seoul announced last month that it will introduce a safe call service to 72 places, including public buildings and welfare facilities. Individuals were responsible for the cost. In Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, over 1,000 restaurants, cafes, and PC cafes started using this service from December last year, and the cost is being paid by the military.

As such, many local governments already use the relief call service centered on public facilities, but it is expected that it will not be easy to introduce it to all restaurants, cafes, and entertainment facilities in Seoul due to the cost of communication.

Controversy over the handwritten list has also existed in the past. Due to concerns about privacy invasion, it changed to write the place of residence instead of the name, and recently introduced a new method of receiving and writing a personal security number consisting of six numbers and letters on the QR check-in screen of Naver and Kakao instead of a mobile phone number.

A new access control method is being introduced, but either method has a blind spot. Personal security numbers cannot be issued on 2G phones, and security calls can be used only if you have a mobile phone.

A Seoul city official said, “Even if it is annoying to 3G mobile phone owners, it is helpful to record an electronic access list (QR code) as a rule when possible in an epidemiological investigation.” Some argue that uniform management is not the answer. Kim Woo-joo, a professor of infectious medicine at Korea Daeguro Hospital, said, “If there are no major problems with quarantine, it is necessary to introduce various methods, even if it is rather complicated.”

Reporter Eunkyung Choi [email protected]
