Savings Bank Term Deposit Highest Preferred Rate of 2.21% per year

Savings Bank Term Deposit Highest Preferred Rate of 2.21% per year
As of the fifth week of January, the highest preferential interest rate for savings bank term deposits was 2.21% per year, the same as the previous week. Savings bank term deposit interest rates are maintained at around 2%, providing higher interest rates than major commercial banks. Photo = Newsis

As of the fifth week of January, the highest preferential interest rate for savings bank term deposits was 2.21% per year, the same as the previous week. Savings bank term deposit rates are maintained at around 2% per year, providing higher interest rates than major commercial banks.

According to’Financial Products at a Glance’, an integrated financial product comparison website of the Financial Supervisory Service on the 6th, Sangsangin Savings Bank’s’Bang Bang Bang Term Deposit’ and’Non Face-to-Face Term Deposit’ offered the highest interest rates at 2.21% per year.

The interest rates of Sangsangin Savings Bank’s’Bang Bang Bang Term Deposit’ and’Non Face-to-Face Term Deposit’ rose 0.15 percentage points from the previous week, and there is no preferential interest rate.

Savings bank’s term deposit products are characterized by a high interest rate of 2% per year without additional preferential interest rate conditions. You can sign up for the product you want without the hassle of meeting the preferential conditions.

The maximum preferential interest rate for savings bank installment (12 months) was 6.90% per year, the same as the previous week.

DB Savings Bank’s’DreamBig Term Deposit’ provided the highest interest rate at 6.90% per year. DB Savings Bank’s’DreamBig Term Savings’ provides a basic interest rate of 3.10%, but only the preferential interest rate provides an additional 3.80%p.

DB Savings Bank’s’DreamBig Term Savings’ provides preferential interest rates in conjunction with the products of affiliates’ DB Insurance. It is provided when the insurance contract is maintained until the expiration of the installment savings by newly signing up or renewing the insurance premium of 300,000 won or more with a one-year insurance subscription period through the Internet site for DB Insurance Direct Internet Auto Insurance from after signing up for installments until 30 days before the maturity of the installments.

The Financial Supervisory Service said, “Before the transaction, the financial company must contact the financial company because the transaction conditions such as the interest rate for each product may change from time to time and may be delayed.”

Dohee Lee, Global Economic Reporter [email protected]
