Sanghyuk Kim, a meaningful sniper “Spread my story on the excuse of being close, really my acquaintances?

Sanghyuk Kim, a meaningful sniper “Spread my story on the excuse of being close, really my acquaintances?

Revision 2021.01.29 01:00Input 2021.01.29 01:00

Sanghyuk Kim, Sniper with Meaningful Heart
Photo = Kim Sang-hyuk SNS capture.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] Click-Bee Kim Sang-hyuk left a meaningful sniper article and it is a topic.

In his Instagram story on the 28th, Kim Sang-hyuk said in his Instagram story on the 28th, “Spreading my story here and there for the excuse of being close to me, half reproaching my worries… Are they acquaintances?”

He then wrote, “Even if I’m a guy like that, I’ll protect him if he’s my person.”

Sanghyuk Kim, Sniper with Meaningful Heart
Photo = Kim Sang-hyuk SNS capture.

He added, “Whether you hide or talk quietly to the person concerned, or if there is a part that disagrees, listen to the part that does not match, and do not go one-way by yourself regardless of what you say. Isn’t that a big vessel?”

Kim Sang-hyuk did not say whether he was specifically referring to someone. However, he stated that he was his acquaintance.

Fans’ curiosity is spreading through Kim Sang-hyuk’s sniper article.

Meanwhile, Kim Sang-hyuk divorced from shopping mall CEO Song Da-ye in April last year, after one year of marriage.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
