Sang-Jung Shim’Corruption of public officials in the LH Incident is’defiled by the civil government’

Even though he professed a war against speculation, he couldn’t prevent corruption of public officials.

The corruption of the current government, which takes over as the candlelight government, is more of a feeling of betrayal.

The Ministry of Urban and Housing should be created and the LH should be dismantled at the level of the developer.

Justice Party lawmaker Shim Sang-jeong speaks at a press conference calling for a full-scale investigation of real estate speculation held at the National Assembly on the 16th. / Reporter Kwon Wook

On the 16th, Justice Party lawmaker Shim Sang-jeong criticized the allegations of real estate speculation by public officials triggered by allegations of real estate speculation by an employee of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), saying, “The corruption of public officials revealed this time is a problem of the government.”

Regarding President Moon’s remarks at the chief and advisors meeting on the 15th at the General Assembly of the Justice Party held at the National Assembly that day, Rep. Shim said, “I am not the only one who was embarrassed by the President’s brief reflection on real estate policy.” It would be difficult to cool down the anger of the people with a small circuit of the degree of “I couldn’t take my stance on it.” He added, “Even though we professed a war against speculators several times, we failed to take preemptive and practical measures.” He pointed out that “the people are expressing a sense of betrayal because real estate speculation has continued and spread further to the current government, which takes over the candlelight government.” .

In addition, the Councilor stressed that “providing quality public housing, not public initiative, is important,” and urged to establish the principle of housing supply by supplying 100% public housing for public housing. He then argued, “Let’s establish the’Ministry of Urban and Housing (tentative name)’ as a control tower to oversee residential welfare, and limit the role of LH to the level of the implementer by decentralizing the functions of the LH, which is thinking of public opinion.”

On the other hand, President Moon said at the State Council presided over at the Blue House that day, “I regretted the cause of great concern to the people” about the case of real estate speculation by LH employees. This was the president’s first apology two weeks after the incident took place.

/ Reporter Joo Jae-hyun [email protected]

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