Sang-ho Woo, Young-sun Park, “Let’s see the TV debate” in criticism of the “Unlike Democratic Party”

In addition, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun (left) and Rep. Sang-ho Woo, who are running for the Democratic Party mayor of Seoul © News 1

On the 14th, a preliminary candidate of the Seoul Mayor Park Young-sun and Democratic Party dismissed the criticism of the preliminary candidate Woo Sang-ho of the same party, saying, “I hope we can fully discuss it in the TV debate.

On the morning of this morning, when preliminary candidate Woo held a press conference and criticized his pledge as’a pledge not like the Democratic Party’, he said, “I want to ask you what it means to be a Democratic Party”. “We must not forget that we are a ruling party. “I can do it.”

Preliminary Woo said, “If you are a mayoral candidate who is responsible for the lives of ten million Seoul citizens, it is the least courtesy to the citizens to announce a plan for the whole city administration. He said only the promise of Mann,” he criticized.

Preliminary candidate Woo also pointed out that the credibility of the recent remarks that preliminary candidate Park is considering introducing a 4.5-day week system in the public sector is unreliable. Preliminary candidate Woo said, “It was only a year ago that (preliminary candidate Park) said that he was reflecting on the bill 52 hours a week when he was the Minister of SMEs,” and said, “The inconsistent steps to change past remarks guarantee the reliability of the policy. I can’t.”

Preliminary candidate Woo followed a case in which Park preliminary candidate Park visited a vehicle base in Chang-dong earlier this month and announced that he would supply a’half-price apartment’ of 10 million won per pyeong, and then withdrew the policy the next day in response to criticism of local lawmakers. It is necessary to have close consultations with members of the National Assembly, the mayor of the ward, and the city council, and it is impossible to erase the impression that the candidate is insufficient to implement a city policy of cooperation and communication.”

On this day, when the preliminary candidate Woo finished a press conference and was asked that the victim of the sexual harassment incident by Mayor Park was criticized for his remarks,’I will succeed the late Mayor Park Won-soon, “It will be.”

“It’s embarrassing because the victims objected to it,” Woo emphasized. “Anyway, my sincerity is to make the victim return to normal life, but the surviving family will comfort the grief of losing their family.”

Preliminary candidate Woo also met with Gyeongnam Governor Kim Gyeong-soo on the 13th the previous day and said, “We had a conversation to protect and succeed President Moon Jae-in.”

Preliminary candidate Woo added, “We have always communicated with Governor Kim Gyeong-soo since the presidential election of Moon Jae-in in 2012,” and added, “Let’s talk about what to do with Gyeongnam Province when becoming the mayor of Seoul.”

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