Samsung Electronics is the power of foundry… Applying for tax incentives for the expansion of the Austin plant in the US

According to industry sources on the 5th, Samsung Electronics will receive a tax reduction of $85.5 million over 20 years to the Texas government on the condition of making an expansion investment worth about $17 billion (about 19 trillion won) in the Austin foundry plant in Texas, USA. Requested. [사진=조성우 기자]

[아이뉴스24 서민지 기자] It was found that Samsung Electronics, which aims to become the No. 1 system semiconductor, is negotiating with the US government over tax benefits over the expansion of a foundry plant in the US.

According to industry sources on the 5th, Samsung Electronics will receive a tax reduction of $85.5 million over 20 years to the Texas government on the condition of making an expansion investment worth about $17 billion (about 19 trillion won) in the Austin foundry plant in Texas, USA. Requested. The request was made for $87.2 million to Austin and $718.3 million to Travis County, Texas.

If Samsung Electronics’ investment in Austin is confirmed, construction is expected to commence in the second quarter of this year and operation in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Samsung Electronics’ Austin plant was the only semiconductor production base in the United States and was completed in 1998. From 2018 to October last year, Samsung Electronics steadily bought 104,89 square meters of land near the Austin plant and made a move to expand its business.

Accordingly, from the beginning of this year, reports on the expansion of Samsung Electronics’ plant in Austin followed. On the 22nd of last month (local time), the Wall Street Journal said, “Samsung Electronics is investing $17 billion to build semiconductor production lines in Texas, Arizona, and New York,” and Bloomberg said, “Samsung Electronics is investing more than $10 billion. “We plan to expand the foundry line at the Austin plant by putting it in,” he reported.

TSMC, the No. 1 foundry market, is actively investing, and the speculation that Samsung Electronics will also make large-scale investments is a factor contributing to these rumors. TSMC has invested $12 billion in Arizona and aims to operate a 5-nano process foundry plant by 2024.

Samsung Electronics, which aims to become the No. 1 system semiconductor by 2030, needs a quick pursuit. According to the market research firm Trend Force, as of the end of last year, Samsung Electronics’ foundry share was 17%, showing a gap of 37% from TSMC (54%).

In this regard, Samsung Electronics drew a line in the earnings conference call on the 28th of last month, saying, “There is no decision regarding fab construction and investment in the United States.”

However, “Because of the nature of the foundry, we are constantly reviewing the production capacity to quickly respond to customer demand.” And left the possibility open.

Reporter Minji Seo [email protected]
