Samsung Electronics’ “fiction” in MBC’s’Jaeyong Lee, staggering with propofol bottle’

Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, who was on the investigation line for allegations of illegal propofol medication, has been suspicious of medication at another hospital. Samsung Electronics declared the MBC’s related reports as “malicious defamation” and announced a legal response.

Samsung Electronics reported to the press on the 11th, saying, “The contents of MBC’s reports are completely different from the truth.” Samsung Electronics said, “I know that there have been no charges of illegal medication even in the police investigation so far.” In particular, it is a clear fiction that’he stumbled with a propofol bottle’. The facts were objectively confirmed.”

Regarding the report that’there was a dedicated broker’, he said, “It is a distortion of the acquaintance who introduced the hospital for the purpose of treatment without grounds, and the fact that he did not take illegal medication is proved by the consistent statement of the acquaintance and the hospital director.” We actively cooperated with the police’s request, and this was to clearly prove innocence.”

Samsung Electronics said, “In the case of MBC’s false reports made the day before the prosecution’s Citizens’ Committee was held, we will take responsibility for it and consider a strong legal response. I ask you to carefully watch the results of the investigation by the police so that reports that are not true are not spreading.”

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▲ Captured’News Desk’ on the 10th of MBC News website

The prosecution civic committee, mentioned by Samsung Electronics, was requested to investigate the prosecution through a public interest report by the National Rights Commission last year. It was said that Vice Chairman Lee was routinely hit with Propofol in a plastic surgery clinic. Vice-Chairman Lee, who claimed that it was only’treatment according to professional opinions’, applied for a convocation of the Prosecutors’ Investigation Review Committee to see if the relevant investigation was legal. Accordingly, whether or not to call the Investigation Deliberation Committee will be decided on the 11th. At the time, a plastic surgeon who was accused of taking propofol to Vice Chairman Lee was sentenced to three years in prison at the first trial on charges of habitual medication to conglomerates.

MBC reported an additional suspicion of medication at another hospital, not the hospital where the suspicion was raised last year. The police, who were investigating hospitals suspected of frequent illegal medications on famous celebrities, found Lee in CCTV footage inside the hospital. MBC said, “It was reported that Lee was walking around the hall while holding a vial of Propofol.”

MBC also said that the police have identified the existence of a broker linking the hospital with Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong. A female broker called Lee “Chairman Jang,” and when he called the hospital director and told him, “Chairman Jang is going today,” the hospital director reported that he was greeted by the vice chairman by himself after leaving all the employees.

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