Samsung D·LGD consider investing in’foldable laptop’ as a super-gap strategy

A rendered image of a Samsung foldable smartphone with a pen applied.  (Photo = Let's Go Digital)
A rendered image of a Samsung foldable smartphone with a pen applied. (Photo = Let’s Go Digital)

It has been observed that Samsung Display and LG Display can make new investments targeting the foldable notebook market this year.

According to UBI Research, a market research firm on the 11th, Samsung Display and LG Display have recently developed technology for foldable notebook OLEDs, respectively, with a new line of 6th-generation OLEDs in Tangjeong, Chungnam (A4-2) and Paju, Gyeonggi (E6-3). We are considering a plan to create.

This is because Chinese display companies such as BOE are giving the lead in China in the OLED panel market for smartphones as OLED pursuits are faster.

UBI Research CEO Lee Choong-hoon said at the ‘2021 OLED Seminar’ held on the day, “Samsung Display, the number one in the market, reached 75.3% of the total last year’s sales of $21.8 billion, but this is a decrease compared to 87.4% in 2019.” Samsung Display is targeting the notebook, monitor, and tablet markets to replace the shrinking smartphone OLED market, and is considering investment in the A4-2 line (6th generation).”

In addition, “Samsung Display maintains an annual OLED panel shipment of 300 million units, but the total OLED panel shipment is decreasing as Samsung Electronics recently increased the release of products that applied LCD panels instead of OLED.” We made a plan to develop the technology, and we have a goal of developing in-folding technology of 20 inches or more by 2023. However, LG Display needs to establish a new line in Paju for mass production of 17-inch foldable OLED panels.” He added.

(Source = UBI Research)

Currently, in the global foldable display market, Samsung Display has the most advanced technology, and BOE and LG Display are following. The market size is predicted to reach 8.2 million units this year based on UBI Research, and is expected to reach 50 million units, an increase of 510% in 2025.

CEO Lee Chung-hoon said, “It is predicted that Samsung Display will continue to lead the foldable display market in the future. This is because Samsung Electronics plans to replace the seat of the Galaxy Note, which has an annual shipment of 12 million units, with a foldable phone.” , Samsung Electronics is expected to introduce a technology that can use a touch pen by strengthening the durability of the existing UTG (Ultra Thin Glass) by chemical coating treatment on foldable smartphones to be released in the second half of this year.

(Source = UBI Research)

Furthermore, “LG Display also has a plan to develop a foldable technology that folds once (in-folding) this year in relation to the foldable project of Apple, and also develops a foldable technology that folds twice (in & out-folding) in 2023.” In 2023 (following Samsung Electronics), Apple is also expected to release a product with a foldable display.”

UBI Research believes that while Samsung Display and LG Display are strengthening their super-gap strategy, the pursuit of Chinese BOE will also accelerate. It is expected to increase the supply of flexible OLED panels to Apple and to supply OLED panels to Samsung Electronics.

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(Source = UBI Research)

CEO Lee said, “BOE shipped 27 million OLED panels last year, increased the supply of flexible OLED panels to Huawei, and supplied some products to Oppo and Xiaomi.” As the situation is being taken away, BOE will also supply OLED panels to Apple this year,” he explained.

“For this reason, it is expected that Samsung Display, LG Display, and BOE will all supply OLED panels to Apple’s iPhone 13 series this year. Specifically, Samsung Display will supply 110 million units, LG Display 40 million units, and BOE will supply 15 million units. It is expected that it has not been confirmed yet, but there is a possibility that Samsung Electronics will purchase BOE panels for the purpose of lowering OLED panel prices.
