“Sam’s heart is pretty” Student sexual harassment report… Principal “That’s because it’s pretty”

Photo Captured the Blue House National Petition Board.

Photo Captured the Blue House National Petition Board.

A teacher filed a petition for the Blue House requesting discipline for the principal of a middle school in Gyeonggi-do, where he is currently serving. This teacher informed the school of the sexual harassment of students, but claimed that he had heard secondary harassment remarks from the principal such as “It’s because you’re pretty” and “It’s a problem to wear clothes that way.”

According to a petition titled “Please cover up teacher sexual harassment and give discipline to the school administrator for the second offense” posted on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin on the 2nd, teacher A committed regular sexual harassment to students at the school from September to December 2019. Suffered. “Do you live with your teacher? Who do you live with? Oh, when I imagined, I got a nosebleed”, “She has a beautiful body, a beautiful heart and a heart.”

Mr. A, who could not endure, informed the principal and the vice-principal about the damage and applied for the School Rights Protection Committee (Kyobo Committee). A statement of facts from students who witnessed the sexual harassment situation was also submitted to the school, but the school’s passive attitude prevented the Kyobo Committee from being held, explained A.

Mr. A claimed that there was a secondary abuse by the principal in this process. “It’s because it’s pretty” “It’s a problem to wear clothes that way, don’t wear jeans that are attached to it” “You’ve heard a remark that blamed the victim, saying, “You’re sensitive to young kids these days.

On the day of class wearing a short-sleeved short-sleeved T-shirt, the principal said, “The parents called me saying, “The short sleeves are loose and you can see the bra inside. They said that they were wearing a blue bra. Is it a blue bra?”

Mr. A said, “It’s so terrible to come to me because of sexual harassment, so I cut my long hair with short hair, and since then, I covered myself more so that my clothes were not damaged, and I only wore loose, thick clothes. I was so distressed that I asked the Gyeonggi-do Office of Education if I could move to another school, but I only got answers saying that it was not possible because of the lack of annual leave.

At the end of the article, Mr. A said, “What I want is to cover up the sexual harassment case and to deprive the principal of the secondary school of the public service.” He urged, “The principal who is about to retire from retirement will be applauded and will retire and receive pensions for several hundred a month. .

Reporter Eunbin Kim [email protected]
