“Sam’s body is pretty”… Suspicion of sexual harassment by female teachers of middle school students in Gyeonggi-do

After a female teacher at a middle school in Gyeonggi-do was sexually harassed by students, a public petition was filed stating that the school had been harassed after requesting a solution to the problem, and the Gyeonggi-do Office of Education began investigating the truth.

Mr. A, who identified himself as a middle school teacher belonging to the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, posted a post on the petition bulletin board on the 2nd, entitled “Student>Teacher sexual harassment cover and punish the school administrator for secondary abuse”. Mr. A insisted that students regularly sexually harassed them in September-December 2019, saying, “Does you live with yourself? Who do you live with? Oh, when I imagined, I got nosebleed.”

In particular, he added that although he notified the principal and the vice-principal of this fact, there was no other action.

Mr. A said, “At the time, we received affidavits from students who witnessed the sexual harassment situation and provided them to the school,” he said. “However, the principal forced him not to open a school rights protection committee, saying not to make things bigger.” “I said that I wanted to follow the procedure, but I called the principal three times during the work day and pressed it, so I couldn’t open the school board in the end.”

In this process, it was said that he was subjected to secondary abuse from the principal, etc. Mr. A said, “It’s because it’s pretty. It’s a problem to wear clothes like that. Don’t wear tight jeans,” he said. I asked if it was a blue bra,” he said.

He urged, “We must conceal the sexual harassment case and deprive the principal of the public official who made the second offense,” and urged, “The vice-principal who helped conceal the sexual harassment case should also be disciplined.”

In response, the Gyeonggi Province Office of Education said that no complaints or reports have been received in relation to the matter. An official from the Office of Education said, “We are checking with front-line schools and support offices,” and “If it is confirmed, we will go through disciplinary procedures.”

[이상헌 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
