Samba 5th Year Bio-Olympic Main Stage

A large number of Korean bio-pharmaceutical companies will participate in the world’s largest bio-investment event’JP Morgan Healthcare Conference’ starting on the 11th. More than 30 of the events of the past were invited. After taking office, the first official event, John Lim, CEO of Samsung Biologics, is the only Korean company to become the main speaker.

Samba, 5th year'Bio Olympics' main stage

According to industry sources on the 7th, about 30 domestic bio-pharmaceutical companies will participate in the 39th event. This event will be held for four days from the 11th (local time) to the 14th. It has been held in San Francisco, USA in early January every year since the early 2000s, but this year, it is held online in the aftermath of Corona 19. The JP Morgan Healthcare Conference is the world’s largest event in the bio industry. The results of research on new drugs scheduled to be released this year or candidate substances (pipeline) under development are announced. Only 500 companies invited by JP Morgan are eligible to participate.

At this event, Samsung Biologics is the only Korean company to appear as the main announcement company. It is also the first debut exhibition on the global stage of CEO John Lim. The company is known to announce its strategy to expand its market share in three areas: consigned production of biopharmaceuticals (CMO), clinical trial agency (CRO), and drug development and manufacturing (CDO), and a strategy to build and operate the 4th factory in Songdo, Incheon. Samsung Biologics has been invited to the main stage for 5 consecutive years since 2017. It is evaluated that it showed the status of the world’s No. 1 CMO company that showed influence through successive orders for the treatment of Corona 19.

In an emerging market presentation that introduces Asian companies, five companies including Genexine, Huzel, LG Chem, Hanmi Pharm, and HK Innoen will announce. Excluding HK Innoen, four companies were invited last year as well.

HK Innoen, the first to participate in the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, introduces K-Cap, a gastroesophageal reflux disease treatment drug that has been approved for a new drug in Korea, to the global market. Huzel, which received approval to market botulinum toxin from the China Drug Administration (NMPA) in October last year, announces a three-year plan to enter the Chinese market. It also reveals its strategy to enter the European and American markets. LG Chem is announcing the status of pipeline development for gout, autoimmune diseases, and rare obesity drugs, which are undergoing clinical trials in the United States. Genexine introduces GX-I7 and Corona 19 vaccine, which is being developed as an immunological anticancer drug. Hanmi Pharm introduces research and development (R&D) strategies this year.

It was counted that 22 companies will participate in the one-on-one meeting session where investors meet individually without a separate announcement. Yuhan Corporation, Chong Kun Dang, MedFacto, Oscotec, Cellibury, and unlisted companies such as Chaperon and Genube will participate. The number of companies invited increased significantly from 12 last year.

Reporter Kim Woo-seop [email protected]

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