‘Salimnam 2’Returning Aid Salimnam Paik Il-seop

Paik Il-seop returns to Salimnam after 4 years.

On the 27th, in KBS 2TV’Salim Men Season 2′(hereinafter’Salim Nam 2′), Paik Il-seop will be the first runner of the 4th anniversary special’Salim Man Who Wants to See You Again’.

Actor Baek Il-seop, who declared himself asleep at the age of more than seventy years and released a single life for Jwa Chung Woo-dol, left a lot of regret and anxiety to fans and viewers when he got off due to a sudden back surgery four years ago.

Paik Il-seop, who met again after four years, was happy to show a strong smile and a healthy appearance in his own new home. Paik Il-seop, who had to have surgery on the knees following the back surgery, changed her daily routine with rehabilitation exercises and diet for a happy old age, but also changed her habit of’love soju’, which she could not dry.

Unlike in the past, where only instant food was eaten, attention is focused on the surprising change of Baek Il-seop, equipped with the skill of cooking Ilchwiwoljang by himself.

On the other hand, Baek Il-seop, who gave a friendly greeting to MC Choi Soo-jong, who was a rich boy in the past drama, “How are you?”

Meanwhile, Paik Il-seop, who regained his health, burned enthusiasm on the stage of the play, where he stood again after five years with Lee Soon-jae, Sonsook, and Park Jeong-soo.

In the midst of this, at the gathering place after the practice, Son-sook, who is the same age, is predicting the no-filter talk of great actors by embarrassing Paik Il-seop with an unexpected question, “If you are a graduate, can’t you meet a new girl?”

The first episode of KBS2’s’Salimnam2′ 4th anniversary special episode of’The Original Salimnam’ Paik Il-seop’s surprise comeback will be aired at 9:15 pm on the 27th (Saturday).

/ Reporter Park Han-yong of GP Korea [email protected], photo courtesy of KBS 2TV’Salimnam 2′

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