Sales rights acquired this year are included in the number of houses… Taxation as multiple homes

From April of this year, income generated by using the Settlement for Difference (CFD) method is also subject to tax as well as gains on the transfer of listed stocks. When calculating real estate transfer income tax, new pre-sale rights acquired from January of this year are included in the number of houses as well as tenancy rights.

On the 6th, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced the amendment to the enforcement decree following the revision of the tax law in 2020. The revised bill is expected to be implemented next month after a legislative notice is announced by the 21st, followed by procedures such as a vice minister’s meeting and a cabinet meeting.

In this amendment, the government decided to impose a transfer tax on CFD accounts that have been subject to tax-free. Profits and losses from trading belong to investors (individuals), but ownership of shares was excluded from the transfer tax payment for securities companies, but this time it was decided to include. The Ministry of Information and Records said, “For CFDs that use domestic and foreign stocks and stock indices as an underlying asset for taxation equity between derivatives and stock transfer income in the marketplace, the difference between the transfer of other derivatives from income generated after April 1 this year is equal to 10 “I decided to tax it at the percent tax rate.”

In the case of trading shares of listed stocks between related parties, various measures to block’trick’ to avoid tax are also drawing attention. Under the current income tax law, when the difference between the market price and the transaction price is more than KRW 300 million or the difference between the market price is 5% or more, it is reported that there was a transaction such as a low-priced transfer or high-priced purchase of assets between related parties to avoid the tax burden. The difference between the transaction price and the market price. Tax on The problem is that since the average of the final market price for two months before and after the transfer date was used as the market price of listed stocks, intentional stock prices were frequently pressed to lower the transfer tax. Accordingly, the government required the Income Tax Act to calculate the market price of listed stocks in the same way as the Corporate Tax Act in the case of bulk trading or over-the-counter transactions using the final market price on the transaction date. Furthermore, it was decided to pay a 20% penalty when the equity transaction between related parties leads to the transfer of management rights.

Previously, when the real estate transfer tax was imposed, only the right to move in members was included in the number of houses, but from this year onward, the number of houses newly acquired after January will also be included in the number of houses. Therefore, if you have the right to sell a house in an area subject to adjustment, the burden of transfer tax increases due to heavy duty for multi-homed people. However, even if they own the right to sell one house in one house, if the existing house is sold within three years, it is considered as one house, and the tax burden on the household with two houses is temporarily reduced.

The basis for taxation on virtual assets such as virtual currency has also been prepared. First of all, from 2022, when the income generated from buying, selling or lending virtual assets exceeds 2.5 million won, the excess is subject to a 20% tax rate and is separately taxed as other income. The average of the daily prices announced for one month before and after the day of the transfer is calculated and used as the standard amount. Virtual assets held before January 1 of next year, when taxable, are also taxed by introducing the’agenda acquisition price’. The price of a virtual asset purchased in the past is regarded as the larger of the agenda acquisition price, the market price as of December 31, 2021 and the actual acquisition price. In addition, from next year, when inheriting or donating virtual assets, a tax of up to 50% will be charged.

▷ Difference Settlement Transaction (CFD): This is an over-the-counter derivative product that allows individual investors to pay a certain amount of margin to collect the difference in cash from securities companies buying and selling stocks as a proxy. In fact, it has been recognized as a representative tax evasion destination because it has the character of borrowing-name transactions.

[양연호 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
