Sa-don’s sensation towards the client of’What do I do’… Warm advice

MBN © News1

Four counselors encounter the behavior of the in-laws in the story and give warm advice for the client.

In the first episode of MBN’s’Extreme Concern Counseling Center-What Should I Do’ (hereinafter’What should I do’) broadcast for the first time at 11 pm on the 15th, Kim Seong-ju, Yoo-ri Lee, Hong Hyun-hee, and Jeong Seong-ho are amazed at the behavior of the in-laws in the story and cannot connect.

On this day’s broadcast, the story of a woman who went into the house of a brother-in-law for care is revealed. It is because of the care, but the studio is questioned by the client’s behavior, which is not easy. However, for a moment, the question is, the in-laws, who thinks of the client as an opponent of anger, and the behavior of the brother-in-law is arousing everyone’s anger.

In particular, the incomprehensible behavior of the in-laws in the story causes the counselors’ anger. Counselors even complained of pain, saying, “Neurojeji” and “Aren’t you dreaming right now?”

After seeing the VCR, Seong-ju Kim expresses regret for the irreversibly entangled story, saying, “Isn’t it the wrong choice from the beginning?” On the other hand, Lee Yoo-ri advises, saying, “It is correct to leave (Sadon’s house). (If it continues as it is), the soul of the client will be able to be taken away.”

Not only that, but also revealing the hidden behind-the-scenes of this story, and at a more drama-like ending than a drama, Kim Sung-joo is stimulating the curiosity about the broadcast, saying that he is bitter, saying, “The things of people are unknown.”

You can see what the sadon’s feelings that made everyone angry and the ending of the story that brought bitterness was first broadcasted at 11 pm on this day in’What Should I Do’.

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