“Ryu Si-min, you have to get ruined… ‘Doctor of Parasites’ common people swear

“Pr. Parasite,” a professor at Dankook University School of Medicine said on the 26th, “If the world comes where intellectuals such as’Ryu Si-min’ will be ruined and paid for.” ‘Tulbo’ mentioned by Professor Seo is known to mean Mr. Eo-Jun Kim, a broadcaster running TBS Radio, Eo-Jun Kim’s News Factory.

Prof. Seo said this afternoon through his Facebook, sharing a press release of the contents mentioned during the YouTube broadcast’Alileo Season 3’on the 25th, Chairman of the Roh Moo Hyundan Ryu Si-min.

Chairman Yoo introduced Henry George’s book’Progress and Poverty’ at the time of the YouTube broadcast, and insisted, “I hope it will become a world where people can no longer even think of becoming rich by buying and selling land (with New Year’s wishes).”

Professor Seo also urged, “When will the prosecutors apologize for the lie that they looked into the (Roman Current Group) account?”

In this regard, on December 24 last year, Chairman Yoo through the YouTube channel’Alileo’ said, “I can’t tell you which bank is, but I have confirmed that the prosecution has looked into the account of the Roh Moo Hyun Group.” I can’t,” he filed a suspicion of the prosecution.

In response to the suspicion of Chairman Yoo, the prosecution refuted that “there was no request for a delay in providing financial transaction information and related notifications for the Foundation’s account.” According to the law, if an investigative agency works with a bank to inspect an account, the bank must inform the account holder of the fact within six months.

[우승준 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
