Ryu Hyun-jin, who appeared in the Cheongbaekjeon, “You don’t need to show a lot to your opponent.” [캠프인터뷰]

Maekyung.com MK Sports (Tampa, USA) Correspondent Kim Jae-ho

Ryu Hyun-jin, who had a strong start in the Toronto Blue Jays opening game, was replaced by the Blue Jays.

Ryu Hyun-jin appeared on the 11th (Korean time) in its own Cheongbaekjeon. In collaboration with Alejandro Kirk, he pitched 50 pitches in 3 innings against the team’s leading batters such as Theoska Hernandez, Beau Vissett, Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Marcus Simien and Randall Grichik. He threw 15 more balls from the bullpen to prepare for the next run.

He had a video interview with the reporter after finishing the pitch, saying, “It was done well as planned,” showing satisfaction with the pitch.

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Ryu Hyun-jin, who finished playing in the Cheongbaekjeon, gave his impressions. Photo = Courtesy of the Toronto Blue Jays. Toronto will have an away game against the Baltimore Orioles on this day.
He gave the starting position for this game to competing Ross Stripling and decided to play in the blue-and-white game. This will be the same for the opponents. It may vary from person to person, but the focus is on increasing the number of pitches and innings during the camp period. Some players may have different ideas, but not sticking a lot is a good thing for a pitcher. “He explained the reason why he chose to go to the Cheongbaekjeon.

When asked if you heard feedback from batters, “I think the first important thing is my feelings. When a good ball comes out, I ask the batters and the catcher as well. The most important thing is to throw the ball I can throw into the course I want. “I’m getting feedback later.”

Compared to last year’s summer camp, it’s a more relaxed schedule.

He said, “In the case of last year, the preparation period was different, and the body making after the suspension was different, so it seems that there is something difficult in that part, so I couldn’t find it,” he said, regretting the contents of last year.

“I think it’s better to raise the number of pitches to 100. I think it would be good to throw 6 to 7 innings and enter the season. It’s going accordingly. There’s no setback.” I think I’ll be prepared like that,” and expressed confidence in preparing for the season. [email protected]

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