Ryu Hyun-jin, catcher Janson and breathe again [캠프라이브]

Maekyung.com MK Sports (Tampa, USA) Correspondent Kim Jae-ho

Ryu Hyun-jin of the Toronto Blue Jays again shares a breath with Danny Janson.

Toronto unveiled the starting lineup of the Detroit Tigers and Grapefruit League away games, which will be held at 2:05 am (KST) on the 16th.

Toronto is Jonathan Davis (left field) Theoska Hernandez (right field) Laudy Telez (first base) Danny Janson (catcher) Joe Panic (second base) Santiago Espinal (shortstop) Forest Wall (center field) Tyler White (designated hitter) The game is played with the lineup of Kevin Smith (third baseman). The starting pitcher is Ryu Hyun-jin.

Ryu Hyun-jin is in sync with Janson.  Photo =ⓒAFPBBNews = News1

picture explanationRyu Hyun-jin is in sync with Janson. Photo =ⓒAFPBBNews = News1

Ryu Hyun-jin, who had paired with the rookie Alejandro Kirk in the Cheongbaek Battle earlier, is in sync with Janson again this time. Out of 12 appearances last season, he played 11 games with Janson.

Because it is an away game, only some of the main players participate. White, who played for the SK Wyverns for a while last season, also took a chance to start.

On the other hand, home team Detroit played Victor Reyes (center field) Heimer Candelario (third baseman) Robbie Grossman (left field) Miguel Cabrera (designated hitter) Nico Goodrum (first baseman) Wilson Ramos (catcher) Will Castro (shortstop) Norma Majara (right fielder) ) Left-hander Matthew Boyd starts with Isaac Paredes (second baseman)’s lineup. [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
