Russia’s economy is guilty of breathlessness… “The gas pipeline business sanctions”

After the inauguration of the US administration, Joe Biden, the US-Russian relationship, which has been deteriorating since the inauguration of the US administration, is moving to a bloody level.

President Biden answered “yes” to the question, “Do you think Russian President Vladimir Putin is a killer?” in an interview on ABC broadcast on the 17th (local time).

Before taking office, President Biden expressed caution by pointing to Russia as the most threatening country to the United States, but this is the first time that President Putin has been criticized for such a high level. President Biden did not add any explanation, but it is interpreted as a remark with the thought of Alexey Navalni’s poisonous terrorist incident at the heart of Russia’s opposition. Regarding the suspicion that Russia was unsuccessful in the US presidential election last year, he warned that “(President Putin) will pay a price.” President Putin, at a meeting with activists in the Crimean community, aimed at President Biden’s remarks and replied, “If you call others that way, you will be called so too.” In a TV interview in his country, he proposed a’match-to-match discussion’ with President Biden on the condition of live online broadcasting.

At a briefing on the 18th, the White House said, “No,” to a reporter’s question, “Do you regret that President Biden called Putin a murderer?” The US is also raising the level of pressure to check Russia’s energy hegemony. According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration is considering additional sanctions against companies participating in the project to block the’Nodestream 2’natural gas pipeline project. US Secretary of State Anthony Blincoln said on the 18th, “Everything related to Nodestream 2 is subject to US sanctions, and we are repeating the warning to give up the work immediately.” Nordstream 2 is a 1230km long gas pipeline connecting Russia and Western Europe, and the US is concerned that if it is opened, Europe’s dependence on Russia will increase and a crack in the US-European alliance will occur.

[진영화 기자]
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