Russian kid gets on a sleigh pulling a car

A video of a 10-year-old child who was about to lose his life on a sleigh pulled by a car on an ice sheet in Russia was released on social network service (SNS).

The accident took place on the 10th at the Chigirinskoye Reservoir in the Blagoveschensky region of the Russian Far East Amur State.

Tube sled colliding with a car (red circle)

picture explanationTube sled colliding with a car (red circle)

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Videos released on YouTube and the like show a 10-year-old child riding a tube sled connected to a car on a frozen reservoir.

The child’s sledding, which should have been enjoyable, soon turned into a nightmare.

This is because the child’s sled hit another vehicle running fast from the side.

It was a situation in which the child could die when the sled was hit by the wheel of the vehicle.

Fortunately, it is known that the child only suffers from wounds and does not affect life.

Russian broadcaster Pervi Canal (Channel 1) pointed out that special attention is needed, saying that safety accidents related to tube sledding continue to occur throughout the region in winter.

A tube sled that is popular in winter in Russia.

picture explanationA tube sled that is popular in winter in Russia.

In fact, on the 9th in St. Petersburg, a 27-year-old man died after crashing into a tree while riding a tube sled in a forest.

Earlier, on December 31 of last year, in the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan in central Russia, a 3-year-old girl died in a safety accident while riding a tube sled with her mother.


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