Russian cryptocurrency exchange’Livecoin’ closed due to hacking

[출처: 라이브코인]

According to Cointelegraph, a media specializing in cryptocurrency, at the end of December 2020, Livecoin, a Russian cryptocurrency exchange, suddenly ceased operations and announced its closure. At the end of last year, the company’s servers were attacked by hackers and suffered financial and technical losses, which made it impossible to operate the exchange anymore. On January 16, Livecoin announced the closing of the exchange on Twitter and posted a new domain’’ as a link to deliver related news in the future. Currently, Livecoin’s official website ( is no longer connected.

Livecoin is seeking to return assets from users and is requesting that users contact us via email to confirm users. LiveCoin promises to provide detailed explanations to its users and plans to receive a claim for compensation by March 17, 2021. However, after this date, it said that no new claims will be accepted. It is not yet known when this exchange will start rewarding customers.

Livecoin warned to beware of dissemination of false information or attempts to deceive users through Livecoin’s fake group chat room. Livecoin said it plans not to officially create a group chat room, and said its new website is the only source of official information.

Meanwhile, after hacking LiveCoin, the hacker adjusted the price of cryptocurrency in the exchange abnormally high. According to reports, LiveCoin’s bitcoin transaction price was more than $300,000, at the time the market price of Bitcoin was about $24,000. On the other hand, some users are also raising the possibility of a live coin’s own play. Some users have complained about the exchange to local law enforcement authorities.
