Russian court “Navalni arrest is legal”… Supporters resentment

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Russian court “Navalni arrest is legal”… Supporters resentment

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Kang Min-kyung |
2021-01-28 23:40 sent

On the 28th, Alexei Navalni participates in the arrest of the Moscow State Court by video. © AFP=News1

A Russian court announced on the 28th (local time) that it rejected a request from the lawyers to revoke the decision of opposition leader Alexei Navalni’s arrest.

According to Reuters, the Moscow State Court said it would not accept the request for cancellation of the arrest ruling raised by Navalni’s lawyers at the detention court on the day.

Navalni, who participated in the redemptive pride as a burn, protested, “I will not let you take away and steal the country. You have power, and you have handcuffed me like this. But this will not last forever.”

Navalni supporters are struggling with the court’s decision. Following last weekend, they plan to hold a massive protest this weekend calling for Navalni’s release. However, the authorities declared all protests illegal and announced that they would crack down on them.

Navalni lost consciousness after drinking black tea containing poisonous substances at the airport in August of last year, was carried to Germany, and returned home on the 17th after treatment, but was immediately arrested at the airport. On the 18th, a lower court, the Khimki District Court in Moscow State, ruled that Navalni should be held for 30 days until February 15th.

A follow-up trial against Navalni is scheduled for the 2nd of next month. If convicted here, Navalni would face three years and six months in prison, Reuters said.

President Vladimir Putin’s most static Navalni has argued that Vladimir Putin is behind the poisonous attacks against him. Since then, he has repeatedly exposed the suspicion of President Putin’s misconduct through his aides.

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