Rural Development Administration, Respiratory and Sleep Health Reishi Mushroom in Winter

Reishi mushroom porridge, Reishi mushroom tea recommended… You must eat according to your health and constitution

Reishi mushroom and reishi mushroom tea.[사진= 농촌진흥청 제공]

On the 16th, the Rural Development Administration recommended reishi mushrooms as a special crop that helps relieve insomnia and respiratory health in winter.

In winter, the amount of activity decreases, so there is not enough time to be in the sun, and the respiratory system is dry, making it difficult to go to sleep. In particular, this phenomenon intensified as the time for indoor life increased due to Corona 19.

Reishi mushrooms are called’manenyeon mushrooms’ and’bulocho (不老草)’ and act on the heart, spleen, and lungs to stabilize the mind and save energy.

In particular, reishi mushrooms are good to take by looking at cases such as △wake up during sleep or when you dream a lot, △when your heart is beating and anxious △when your memory capacity is declining. Reishi mushroom’s function is because it has the effect of prolonging sleep time by reducing the excitement of the central nervous system and gently releasing excessive tension in the muscles.

In addition, most mushrooms, including reishi mushrooms, contain 0.1~0.5g per 100g of dried weight of’ergosterol’, a precursor of vitamin D. This is helpful in preventing insomnia and depression symptoms caused by lack of vitamin D.

Reishi mushroom also strengthens the weakened lung function. When coughing does not stop for a long time and phlegm is hanging in the throat, it is good to eat reishi mushroom.

According to existing studies, reishi mushrooms stop coughing, get rid of phlegm, and have an immunomodulatory effect. In particular,’betaglucan’ contained in reishi mushrooms activates immune cells (macrophages) that eat cells infected with bacteria or viruses. It also enhances the function of immune cells by promoting the secretion of signaling substances (cytokines) that operate the defense system.

If you want to use reishi mushrooms at home for a meal, you can eat them as porridge. The usual recipe is to put 50g non-glutinous rice in 15g mushrooms and put the porridge. When drinking reishi mushroom tea, put 1ℓ of water in 20g of mushrooms and boil it.

Kim Geum-sook, Ginseng Special Use Team Manager, National Institute of Horticultural Science and Technology, Rural Development Administration, said, “When using reishi mushrooms as an adjuvant therapy to protect your health in winter, you should consult with experts to adjust the intake method and amount according to your health and constitution.

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