Running through Busan… “Economic market” vs “regime judgment”

In another fierce battlefield, Busan, the opposition candidates have taken an all-out campaign. The Democratic Party asked for an economic market that would raise the Busan economy, and the power of the people appealed for the voters to judge the regime.

This is Han Se-hyun.


Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun, who toured five districts in Seobusan yesterday (5th).

Today, we held the’Road of Victory Initiation Ceremony’ in Busanjin-gu and set out on a relay campaign to go around all the remaining 11 gus and counties.

[김영춘/민주당 부산시장 후보 : ‘일 잘하는 시장을 뽑자, 우리 부산을 살리는 투표를 하자’라고 이웃들에게 친구들에게 외쳐주십시오. 그러면 이깁니다.]

Candidate Kim said that the collapse of Busan began when the people’s power came to power for a long time, and appealed for support to become the’economic market’ that will fulfill the dream of becoming an international economic city.

[김영춘/민주당 부산시장 후보 : 사죄드리면서도, 이 선거를 포기하지 않고 총대를 메고 싸우는 이유는 바로 부산경제를 살려야겠다는 그런 절박한 마음 (때문)입니다, 여러분.]

Candidate Hyeong-jun Park, the power of the people, also went to the entire Busan area to attack the votes of the voters.

He went through 10 districts in a campaign vehicle and appealed for the ruling of the regime.

[박형준/국민의힘 부산시장 후보 : 민주당에 투표하면 오만에 투표하는 것입니다. 민주당에 투표하면 위선에 투표하는 것입니다. 새로운 대한민국을 열어갈 기회를 주십시오.]

Candidate Park, who toured the candidate site for Gadeokdo New Airport with local lawmakers, appealed for support, saying that he would create a wind of innovation.

[박형준/국민의힘 부산시장 후보 : 우리가 원하는 국제물류 허브공항으로 만들고, 정치 공항이 아닌 경제 공항으로 만들기 위해서 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.]

Among the two candidates who have been running fiercely for 13 days, the winner of Dongbaek Island’s spring will be decided tomorrow night.
