‘Running Man’ Park Eun-seok, Kim Jong-guk threatening high-level athletic skills

‘Running Man’ Park Eun-seok shows off his excellent athletic skills. Provided by SBS

‘Running Man’ Park Eun-seok demonstrates his high-level athletic skills that threaten Kim Jong-guk.

SBS’Running Man’, which airs on the 14th, reveals the story of Kim Jong-guk’s frustration.

In the recent recording, three members of the SBS Friday and Saturday drama’Penthouse 2’Yoon Jong-hoon X Park Eun-seok X Ha Do Kwon appeared and jumped into the ‘2021 Community Sports Competition’ race.

The performance of the’Running Man’ members optimized for the sports mission and the guests, who are reputed for their excellent athletic skills, is expected to attract viewers’ attention.

In particular, when a mission using the ball was given, Kim Jong-guk expressed greater confidence than anyone, saying, “This is a game we play well.”

However, as the mission began, the situation began to change rapidly. Unlike Kim Jong-guk’s confident attitude, when the mission began, he was humiliated by showing poor ball kicking skills and falling into a game hole.

Moreover, Park Eun-seok, who is known to have engaged in various sports-related hobbies such as cycling, kayaking, and basketball, showed contradictory skills such as freely controlling the ball as an opponent, and Kim Jong-guk’s shoulders shrunk even more.

After seeing this, the members of’Running Man’ didn’t miss out and started talking to Kim Jong-guk, and soon made the Kim Jong-guk who had been holding it explode and made a smile.

Meanwhile, Park Eun-seok showed off his fast running skills in the final tagging mission and took control of’Running Man’. All the members who saw this admired “It is art” and cheered on Park Eun-seok’s athletic ability.

Park Eun-seok’s superior athletic ability, a’new talent’ threatening Kim Jong-guk, can be found in’Running Man’, which will be broadcast at 5 pm on the 14th.

Jinju-hee reporter

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