Rottweiler’s dog race “I accidentally unplugged my mouth for a while” …

Beagle guardian B, bitten his face and fingers, and sewed more than 10 stitches due to an accident in Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do.  The dog, Rottweiler, attacked the dog and Mr. B with the leash loose.  Photo courtesy of Mr. B

Beagle guardian B, bitten his face and fingers, and sewed more than 10 stitches due to an accident in Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do. The dog, Rottweiler, attacked the dog and Mr. B with the leash loose. Photo courtesy of Mr. B

The dog owner of a passerby who was walking in Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi Province, and Rotweiler’s dog, who attacked his pet dog, told the police that “there was an accident while being vigilant.” Hyung-wook Kang, an animal trainer, stressed that “the dog should be separated from the guardians who raised Rotweilers that way.”

According to the Gyeonggi Gapyeong Police Station on the 5th, Mr. A, Gyeongju of the Rotweiler, said that he would contact the police on the day to seek investigation. He stated, “When I left home, I wore a muzzle and a collar, but I took off the muzzle for a while in a quiet place, and then there was an accident.”

Regarding the suspicion that he had escaped after the accident, he said, “The dog suddenly jumped out and there was no situation to calm down, and after taking care of it, the victim was in a state of leaving.”

The accident occurred on the promenade of section 9 of the Han River in Cheongpyeong-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, around 6 pm on the 28th of last month. Gongju B was attacked by Rottweiler while walking with his dog, Beagle. Mr. B reported, “While wrapping up to protect his dog, he was bitten by a Rotweiler, and when he came back to the scene, he managed to get out of the scene and leave his dog in the car, it was after the other dog had disappeared.

Rottweiler must take safety measures, such as a leash and a muzzle, if he is out of a place where he is kept as a government-designated dog, along with a dosa dog or an American pit bull terrier.

In connection with this incident, Hyung-wook Kang said on Instagram on the 4th that “we need to find a protector who neglected to attack the victim and separate him from Rottweiler.”

Kang advised that the perpetrators should be investigated and punished for their crimes, and Rottweiler should be handed over to a shelter and then subjected to an appropriate disposition evaluation. Accordingly, they have to decide whether to go back to the original guardian, find another guardian, stay in a shelter for life, or be euthanized.

“I like dogs, so I work as an animal trainer,” said Kang. “If it spoils happiness, I can’t like it anymore, whether it’s a dog or a person.”

An official from the Gapyeong Police Department said, “Attached the victim’s medical certificate, we will charge Mr. A for violation of the Animal Protection Act and send it to the prosecution.”

Reporter Lee Ga-young [email protected]
