Rosselso and Lamela break quarantine guidelines and controversy over party… Tottenham “strongly criticized”

Eric Lamela enjoyed a Christmas party after breaking the British government’s quarantine rules. Giovanni Rosselso, Sergio Regilon, Manuel Rancini. Photo = The Sun homepage
Eric Lamela posted an apology for breaking the quarantine guidelines at Christmas and having a meeting. Photo = Lamela SNS

[이데일리 스타in 이석무 기자] Even though Tottenham Hotspur in the English Premier League (EPL) has won a pleasant victory after a long time, it is a portrait house atmosphere.

Tottenham won a 3-0 victory thanks to Son Heung-min’s 1 goal and 1 help in the home game of the 2020-21 EPL round 17 against Leeds United held at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on the 2nd (Korean time). Tottenham, who was out of the pit of a draw (2 draws, 2 losses) in recent 4 games with a victory on this day, raised the ranking from 7th to 3rd.

However, despite the priceless victory, Tottenham is under criticism. This is because it was revealed that the main players, such as Eric Lamela, Giovanni Rosselso, and Sergio Legillon, had a Christmas meeting in violation of the British government’s quarantine rules.

Lamela, Rosselso and Regilon gathered together and partyed over the past Christmas with their family. West Ham United midfielder Manuel Rancini also attended the meeting. Lamela, Rosso and Lancini are from Argentina. This fact was announced later when someone who participated in the meeting posted a photo on social media. In the UK right now, criticism is pouring out on the player and the Tottenham club.

London, UK, which is the home of Tottenham and West Ham clubs, has taken steps 4, the highest level of the Corona 19 response, from the 19th of last month local time. Stage 4 is the same level as the containment measure. If it is not possible to work from home, you must stay at home except for the purpose of attending school, childcare, or sports. In outdoor public places, you can only meet with one other household member. Of course, parties are illegal.

Tottenham’s club was also disappointed. In an official statement, Tottenham said, “We were very disappointed and strongly criticized the players for gathering at Christmas with family and friends. The rules are clear and there are no exceptions.” This issue will be dealt with inside the club.”

The players also lowered their heads right away. Lamela posted a post on her SNS, saying, “I deeply regret and apologize for my judgment at Christmas.

“I know people are making great sacrifices for the safety of themselves and their loved ones,” Rosselso said. It deserves my disappointment,” he apologized, saying, “I will do everything I can to be a better example in the future.”

Earlier, there were rumors that Lamela and Rosselso had been tested positive for Corona 19, but neither Tottenham nor the EPL secretariat made any specific comment on this. Lamela and Rosselso were on the list of players participating in the EPL Round 17 against Leeds on the 2nd. Regilon was put on the list of substitutes but did not appear.
