[RE:TV] ‘Salimnam 2’Park Hyun-seon, Yang Jun-hyuk’s nephew and same age as’Amazing Genealogy’

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[RE:TV] ‘Salimnam 2’Park Hyun-seon, Yang Jun-hyuk’s nephew and same age as’Amazing Genealogy’

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Lee Ah-young |
2021-01-17 05:30 sent

Screen capture of the broadcast of KBS 2TV’Saving Men Season 2’© News1

Former baseball player Yang Jun-hyuk revealed that the reserve bride Park Hyun-sun and his nephew are the same age.

In KBS 2TV’Household Men Season 2′, which aired on the 16th, Yang Jun-hyuk and Park Hyun-sun, a spare couple, visited Yang Jun-hyuk’s hometown.

On this day, Yang Joon-hyuk began to dismantle its anti-defense. Yang Joon-hyuk polished a great defense with a skillful hand. Yang Joon-hyuk’s brother was surprised, “I thought I couldn’t do anything because I was the youngest, but I do a little.” Yang Jun-hyuk asked his brother what he thought of Park Hyun-seon. Yang Joon-hyuk’s older brother laughed by saying, “I feel burdened because of the age difference.” Park Hyun-seon was 20 years old from Yang Jun-hyuk’s older sister, and Yang Jun-hyuk’s eldest sister’s daughter, that is, Yang Jun-hyuk’s nephew and the same age. Yang Joon-hyuk hyung said, “Thank you for accepting older people and live well.”

The two went to Yang Jun-hyuk’s home. Park Hyun-seon prepared many gifts for the prospective mother-in-law. Yang Joon-hyuk asked his father what he was saying about Park Hyun-seon. Yang Joon-hyuk’s father expressed his love for his future daughter-in-law, saying, “I like everything that is pretty.” He added that the baseball player Shim Chang-min had a child. Park Hyun-seon responded, “Shall I have children first?” Yang Joon-hyuk’s father nagged Park Hyun-seon to serve him well. Then Park Hyeon-sun asked, “What should my husband do well?” The embarrassed father replied, “You just need to love me.” Park Hyun-seon said, “Salim is not helping, but something we have to do together.”

Before marriage, Yang Joon-hyuk missed his mother. Yang Joon-hyuk’s mother struggled to make Yang Joon-hyuk play baseball, and Yang Jun-hyuk devoted himself to baseball for his mother. When Yang Joon-hyuk took over, his mother started to get sick. Together, the three went to the temple where their mother was enshrined. Yang Joon-hyuk said, “If my mother had been alive, she would have liked Park Hyun-seon a lot.” Especially, since my mother wanted to see Yang Joon-hyuk getting married, I deepened my longing. Yang Jun-hyuk looked at her mother’s picture and said, “I’m sorry I brought you so late.”
