‘Return to Christmas’ Yoon Seok-yeol, eats lunch with a lunch box and takes care of pending issues

Going to work the day after the decision to suspend disciplinary enforcement
Presided over’Corona Countermeasures Meeting’… No investigation report
Around 20’Welcome’ Wreaths in front of Daeseon Office

Wreaths are placed in front of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 25th, supporting Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who returned to office as the effect of the’two months of honesty’ disciplinary action ceased due to a court decision the day before. General Yoon went to work at the Great Swordsman Office around 12:10 on that day. News 1

On the night of the 24th, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who had escaped from’two months of honesty’ with the court decision, went to work at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office on the 25th Christmas holiday. On the 16th, the official business began again 9 days after the disciplinary action was confirmed at the home of President Moon Jae-in.

General Yoon arrived at the Daeseon Office in Seocho-dong, Seoul, in a black official vehicle around 12:10 p.m. that day. However, contrary to the fact that on the 1st of this month, he went to work right after the job exclusion disposition took effect and publicly expressed his feelings of return at the entrance of the Daejeon Hall, the underground parking lot was used for this ‘2nd job return’. The night before, “Thank you for the judgment of the judiciary. There was no further statement of position beyond that of saying, “I will do my best to uphold the constitutional spirit, rule of law and common sense.”

At first, Yoon planned to head to the Great Swordsman at around 1 p.m. after having lunch on this day, but he went to work earlier than scheduled to settle the lunch with a lunch box with Deputy Prosecutor Cho Nam-gwan and secretary general Bok Doo-gyu. Afterwards, he presided over a countermeasure meeting in connection with the spread of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in prison facilities such as the Seoul East Detention Center. After the meeting, the National Prosecutors’ Office △Recognize that securing the quarantine and safety of criminal justice facilities is our top priority △Investigate serious crimes first (restriction of subpoena investigations, etc.) He asked for three things:

On the 26th, President Yoon plans to go to work at around 2 pm on the 26th, receive reports from the chief prosecutors’ offices during the absence of work, and a report in preparation for the adjustment of prosecutors’ and policemen’s rights to be implemented in January next year. An official of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office said, “On the 25th, we did not receive reports on major pending incidents such as nuclear power plant investigations.”

On this day, in front of the Great Swords Office, some 20 wreaths were newly installed by conservative groups to celebrate Yun’s return to Christmas. The wreaths had ribbons with phrases welcoming the return of President Yoon, such as “You have fought well”, “Please fight for democratic rule of law” and “Returned grim reaper”. Some supporters who stood in front of the main gate of the Great Sword screamed cheers such as “We are Yoon Seok-yeol” and “Yun Seok-yeol Fighting” when Yun’s vehicle appeared. On the contrary, citizens and YouTubers who opposed the return of President Yun, shouting slogans such as “Reform the prosecution” and “impeach Yun Suk-yeol” in front of Wha Whan were also noticeable, but there was no physical conflict with the supporters.

Jooyoung Yoon reporter

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