Restrictions on restaurant and cafe business hours lifted from the 15th of Jeju Reduce distance

Jeju Corona Prevention (CG)

picture explanationJeju Corona Prevention (CG)

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For two weeks starting on the 15th, restrictions on business hours for general restaurants, cafes, and indoor sports facilities in Jeju will be lifted.

Jeju Island announced on the 13th that it has decided to lift the restrictions on operating hours of multi-use facilities from the 15th to the 28th in accordance with the government’s policy to ease 1.5 steps of social distancing in the non-metropolitan area.

Multi-use facilities subject to lifting of business hours restrictions include restaurants, cafes, indoor sports facilities, singing practice rooms, party rooms, and indoor standing performance halls.

Do also lifted the ban on group-to-door sales and 6 types of entertainment facilities, including entertainment pubs, danran pubs, sensation pubs, collate, hunting pot tea, and hold’em pubs, so that they could operate, but limited operating hours to 10 pm

In addition, in the case of 6 types of entertainment facilities, core quarantine rules such as a maximum of 4 people per room (room), dancing in clubs and nights, no movement between tables and rooms, and mandatory use of electronic access registers were complied with.

The province banned the operation of sweat rooms and sleeping rooms for the bathhouse business, and allowed the operation of shops and restaurants in the facility, subject to quarantine rules.

In addition, food and beverages were allowed at the wedding hall and funeral hall, but the number of attendance at the wedding hall and funeral hall was limited to 100 people per day.

Do-do has made it possible to use locker rooms by complying with the guidelines for preventing distances, such as spaces in outdoor golf courses.

However, the ban on outdoor golf course shower rooms was still maintained.

In addition, taking into account the end of the Lunar New Year holidays, Do-do has lifted the restriction on reservations within two-thirds of the number of rooms in accommodation facilities.

The government eased the social distancing step to 1.5 steps in the case of non-metropolitan areas.

However, to reduce the risk of infection and prevent transmission between individuals, the ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people (allowing up to 4 people) was maintained for two weeks.

In a briefing on the adjustment of social distancing, Governor Won Hee-ryong said, “We plan to impose strong sanctions on businesses that violate the quarantine rules, and recommend that all businesses install and operate the Jeju Security Code, a Jeju-type electronic access list “He emphasized.

“It is a period of great uncertainty that can be upgraded to the second stage at any time.” “It is thanks to the autonomous participation and cooperation of the citizens that we were able to effectively control the corona situation. “I have.”


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