Reputed for its’future-oriented’ design… Pierre Cardin dies


Pierre Cardin, one of the world’s most famous French designers, died at the age of 98. Cardin always pursued’innovation’ by showing off high-end fashion as ready-to-wear and releasing costumes that capture the space age that seemed only distant at the time in the 1960s.

This is reporter Kang Willow.


A’bubble dress’ with a rounded buttocks and a collarless top that was different from the’dad’s suit’ that the Beatles also loved.

These are the earliest masterpieces that made the name of Pierre Cardin, who launched his brand in 1950, known.

I wanted anyone to know that it was Pierre Cardin.

[피에르 가르뎅 (2020년 2월) : 다른 사람들과는 다른 내가 될 수 있게 노력해왔습니다. 사람들이 좋아하는지 싫어하는지는 문제가 아닙니다. 이름을 언급하지 않아도 구별되게 달라야만 해요.]

In the mid and late 1960s, we always pursued the future by showing clothes with geometric designs under the theme of’space’.

[피에르 가르뎅 (2014년 11월) : 내 스타일은 ‘현재 과거 미래’입니다. 미래는 아직 오지 않았지만 결국 과거가 될 겁니다.]

It was also’innovation’ in business.

In 1959, a ready-to-wear shop was opened in the Franken department store in Paris, and the licensing business began in the 1960s.

This is what most fashion brands do now, but at the time it was all first.

Pierre Cardin, who was active in 2012 by showing a fashion show even at the age of 90, passed away at the age of 98 on the 29th local time in a hospital in Ile de France.

Stores bearing his name remain in over 100 countries around the world.
