Republicans without’impeachment rebellion’… why can’t Trump give up?

Former U.S. President Donald Trump, who was judged for impeachment on charges of ‘inciting a civil war,’ is on the rise. Republicans are mobilizing to prevent their impeachment, and they are still showing off their politics, leaving the White House and officially opening the’former president’s office’ in the newly established Florida state.

For the Senate to impeach former President Trump, 67 people, two-thirds of all 100, must vote. Currently, there are 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans each, so even if the Democrats all agree, there must be at least 17’rebellion votes’ from the Republican Party.

However, on the 26th, the Republican Party voted that 45 people were unconstitutional in a vote on the constitution of former President Trump’s impeachment trial. If the Republican Party’s current trend continues until the impeachment judgment, the innocence is obvious.

Even the Republican’s’first man’ Mitch McConnell, who seemed to lead a massive rebellion, said, “The protesters who invaded the US Congress were agitated by former President Trump,” voting that the impeachment trial was unconstitutional.

Republican Party Needs Midterm Election Two Years Later,’Trump Supporters’

The reason why the Republican Party is unable to part with former President Trump, who has been tried twice for impeachment for the first time in US history, is very simple. It is because of his’voting heart’.

The last 11.3 presidential election resulted in a painful defeat for former President Trump. However, it was also a stage that showed off his potential. With a whopping 70 million votes or more, it set the record for the Republican presidential candidate, and collected more than 70 million dollars (about 77.4 billion won) of political funds.

Rather than recapture the presidential regime in 2024, Republican lawmakers who have to defend their seats in the midterm elections to be held in 2022 need an enthusiastic support from former President Trump. This is even more so if they have a district called’Swing State’, which is called a battlefield, or if they are targeting the presidential powers of 2024.

<워싱턴포스트> According to the poll results, 80% of Republicans said the parliamentary intrusion was wrong, but 79% said they supported former President Trump. Also, 57% argued that Republicans should continue to follow former President Trump. It is also predicted that former President Trump, who has repeatedly confirmed his influence, will retaliate by targeting Republican lawmakers who approved the impeachment proposal as the targets of the midterm election.

CNN also pointed out, “What the Republican Party realized through the Trump regime is that power always wins when power and values ​​clash. The last presidential election showed the reality that Republicans are forced to rely more on former President Trump.” A Republican official who requested anonymity told CNN that “Trump’s enthusiastic supporters are the most powerful voting force in the country.”

Trump Impeachment Dilemma

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The US House of Representatives, who initiated the Trump impeachment prosecution on charges of ``inciting civil rebellion,'' and the US Democratic Party lawmakers officially initiated the impeachment bill for President Donald Trump on the 11th (local time). There is a memorial early on.  In the bill of impeachment proposed by the Democratic Party that day, President Trump's allegations of inciting civil war following the invasion of the parliament were stated as the basis for impeachment.

Washington DC Capitol. The picture shows a police officer who died in the “parliamentary invasion riot.”
Ⓒ Washington Reuters = Yonhap News

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The Democratic Party, which confirmed the unity of the Republican Party in the vote on whether to be a member of the impeachment judgment, fell into trouble. Democratic Party Senate Chuck Schumer once said, “We will carry out a judgment on impeachment against former President Trump as scheduled, and make a decision.”

However, as President Joe Biden has to deal with difficulties such as coping with Corona 19, climate change, and economic recovery, it is not in a position to focus solely on the impeachment regime. Rather, there are concerns that it could provoke the supporters of former President Trump and face headwinds in the midterm elections.

The same goes for the Republican Party that fell into trouble. I need the support of former President Trump, but I’m worried he’s really going to make it to the next presidential election.

At a recent press conference, the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Rona McDaniel, avoided an immediate reply when asked if he wants former President Trump to run for president, “The party must be strictly neutral and will not recommend or hold anyone running.” . However, referring to former Vice President Mike Pence and former UN Ambassador Nicky Haley, he emphasized, “Our goal is only to retake the regime in the next presidential election, and we expect them to play an important role in the future of the party.”

He also aimed at the far-right conspiracy group’Curenan’ in support of former President Trump, “it seems to have crossed the line,” and said, “They look very dangerous and need self-reflection.”

However, regarding the possibility that former President Trump will leave the Republican Party and establish a third party, Chairman Rona McDaniel warned that “they will be a complete helper for the Democratic Party to win.” .
