“Reporter Park Dae-gi of KBS who was the topic of Jangan In 11 years, a successor appeared” (video)

Anyone who has been exposed to internet culture would have seen that face at least once. Park Dae-gi KBS reporter.

In the winter of 2009, 11 years ago, reporter Park Dae-gi, who was on the scene to report a heavy snow warning in the central region, met with the pouring snow. Go on the sidewalk with a white snowmandid.

KBS below

At this time, the moment of walking outdoors for a long time ‘Waiting’With the reporter who was doing The name’Park Dae-gi’, Also displayed under the name Email address called’waiting’Showed exquisite synergy and made the scene stand out from netizens.

Reporter Park Dae-gi, who was created as’Jalbang’ and spread throughout the Internet community, quickly became a stardom, and netizens were taken from his e-mail addresses. ‘Waiting Park’I even made a nickname, and talked about it.

Reporter Park Dae-ki’s name was widely known, and the way he broadcasts in heavy snow is a middle school called’career and job.’ Appear in textbookI did.

But recently, reporter Park Dae-gi’s email naming sense and heavy snow report New KBS reporter succeedingThe news that has appeared is a hot topic among netizens.

A post titled’A person who succeeds Park Dae-gi’ has been posted on various online communities in Korea such as Ruri Web, Theku, Efem Korea, Kleeang, Women’s Generation, and Gadrip. The post included a picture of a part of the KBS news broadcast on the 6th.

In the news KBS Park Chan reporterReported that heavy snowfall across the metropolitan area caused traffic congestion throughout Seoul.

In the process of reporting, reporter Park Chan was struck with the pouring snow and turned white. Like the old reporter Park Dae-gi ‘snow man’As it became, he devoted himself to the news.

Netizens who encountered this scene ReporterAnd suitable for cold winter The name’Park Chan’, And exposed under the name Email address called’coldpark’He responded that his new successor appeared, saying that it reminds me of reporter Park Dae-gi.

YouTube,’KBS News’

And now, the successor to’Waiting Park’ ‘Cold Park’ He also nicknamed him that the reporter should be in charge of the cold winter news.

Online community Ruri web capture

In addition, netizens responded by commenting that it was interesting, such as “Cold Park in cold weather”, “E-mail name value correct”, “Hapil name is again Park Chan”, “Waiting Park and Cold Park”, “I’ll inherit the throne, Mr. Waiting”.

Meanwhile, it is known that the e-mail addresses of KBS reporters that are unique and interesting are created by the reporters themselves.

Regarding this, reporter Park Dae-gi said on his Twitter last year, “It is not true that the seniors create IDs for KBS reporters.”
