Report “the loud noise from the basement”… ‘Drinking dance’ for 70 people including self-quarantine in Busan club

Report “the loud noise from the basement”… ‘Drinking dance’ for 70 people including self-quarantine in Busan club

Revision 2021.01.03 13:54Input 2021.01.03 11:01

An underground club in Busan that had been drinking and dancing until dawn while ignoring the quarantine rules was caught by the police. Photo Source = Yonhap News

[아시아경제 나한아 기자] An underground club in Busan where about 70 people were drinking and dancing until dawn, ignoring the quarantine rules, was caught by the police. It was confirmed that there was also a self-isolation person here.

According to the Busan Police Agency on the 3rd, the police received a citizen report saying that they were suspicious because of a loud sound of music underground. At 2:55 am that day, the police cracked down on a club-type pub on the first basement floor in Bujeon-dong, Busanjin-gu, focusing on’anomalous business’.

The police, who visited the site, found that dozens of customers were escaping through the back door of the business while searching outside the business. The police immediately controlled the entrance and then mobilized additional 10 adjacent patrol cars and mobile patrols to arrest and crack down on them.

Inside the store, it was confirmed that customers violated the quarantine rules and played music and drank until 3 am.

The police are investigating allegations of violating the infectious disease prevention method by accompanying a business owner in their 20s.

Among the guests who were cracked down in a pile, a man in his 20s who was a self-quarantine was also included. The competent ward office plans to sue him in accordance with relevant laws.

The rest of the guests were first asked to go home after checking their personal information.

Reporter Na Han-ah [email protected]
