Regular application registration starts today…SKY, 379 people carry over’frequent non-registration’

Input 2021.01.07 11:17

Selected 798 from Seoul National University, 1412 from Yonsei University, and 926 from Korea University

As the 2021 school year’s regular admissions applications began, experts advised to check the number of transfers due to unfilled colleges.

According to the education industry on the 7th, regular application submissions for this year are held from this day to the 11th. Candidates can apply for a total of three universities, one for each Ga, B, and Multi-gun. Those who pass the regular recruitment cannot apply on time.

However, universities established according to special laws such as KAIST and the Police are not subject to the principles of’multiple application’ and’double enrollment’, so they can apply on time regardless of whether they are passed or not.

The total number of regular recruitment this year is 873. The number of finalists is slightly increased as there are cases in which all selections are not made at any time due to lack of the minimum academic ability standards for the SAT.

Students enter the auditorium to receive their report cards at Ewha Girls’ High School in Jung-gu, Seoul on December 23, last year, when the 2021 college math test report was distributed. /yunhap news

According to one admissions company, the number of finalists at Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Korea University this year totaled 3136.

Initially, these universities planned to recruit 2757 people on time, but a total of 379 people were carried over on time due to final non-registration from time to time.

Seoul National University first recruited 751 people for regular family group admissions, but 47 people were carried over to select 798 finalists in regular regular admissions. Compared to the 177 people carried over on time last year, this is a decrease of 130 people this year.

Considering the coronavirus infection (Corona 19) situation, it is analyzed that the number of people carried over on time has decreased significantly while easing the minimum academic standards for the college entrance exam (SAT). Previously, Seoul National University lowered the minimum scholastic ability standard for the SAT from three or more of the existing three areas to less than two grades.

Yonsei University has carried over 192 people from the initial selection of 1220 Nagun members, and the final 1412 people are selected. Korea University is planning to select 926 people by carrying over 140 people from the initial selection of 786 Nagun members. They were 50 and 63 fewer than last year, respectively.

Seoul National University closes applications from the 7th to 9th at 6 pm. Yonsei University and Korea University accept applications from the 8th to the 11th at 5 pm.

An entrance examination expert said, “Some universities have reduced the minimum academic ability standards for the SAT, reflecting the situation of Corona 19, and the number of people passing over on time has decreased.”
