Reduce’CHINA’ and grow’TAIWAN’… Taiwanese new passport design away from China

Source: Bean FruitSource: Bean Fruit

While China and Taiwan are struggling over’one China’, Taiwan has introduced a new passport with significantly reduced CHINA (Chinese) characters.

On the 11th of the local time, foreign media such as Reuters in the UK reported that “a new passport is officially issued in Taiwan.”

Reportedly, the TAIWAN (Taiwan) letters were enlarged on the new passport.

It is the largest on the passport cover.

On the other hand, the existing’REPUBLIC OF CHINA’ was placed in small letters around the insignia of the Taiwan flag.

If you do not look closely, you may not know if it is written.

The consular office told Reuters that it was “redesigned to reduce confusion with China.”

It is confused with China because of’CHINA’ written on the old passport.

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Wu Jiao-she also said, “The new passport has grown TAIWAN letters to make it easier to recognize Taiwan.” “People whose passports are about to expire should get a new passport.”

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed countries around the world and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that a new passport has been released.

Reduce'CHINA' and grow'TAIWAN'...  Taiwanese new passport design away from China

Taiwanese President Chai Ying-wing also announced that a new passport was available.

“Today is the day a new passport is issued,” he said on social media.

“We have not only changed our passport last year, but achieved economic growth, international exchange, and improved social welfare,” he said. “We must protect democracy and freedom by uniting and cooperating to show our success stories to the world like a passport. .

However, China is looking down on Taiwan’s passport change.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chun-ying said the passport design change “it doesn’t matter what small movement Taiwan has made.”

“That move will not change the fact that Taiwan is part of China.”

