‘Recommendation of Lee Kwang-beom’ with low reality…

  Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae (left) attends the 5th meeting of the Candidate Recommendation Committee for the Chief of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KPA) held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 18th and greets lawyer Lee Heon.
Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae (left) attends the 5th meeting of the Candidate Recommendation Committee for the Chief of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KPA) held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the afternoon of the 18th and greets lawyer Lee Heon.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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On the morning of the 23rd, attorney Lee Heon, a candidate recommendation committee for the head of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Department, sent a text message to reporters.

“Today, the opposition nominating committee members are repeatedly asked to recommend additional candidates for the dean of karate. After the meeting on the 18th, we searched for and contacted the right people, but due to the testimony of the targets (until 6pm), we have not been able to recommend additional candidates.”

The lawyer on this day <오마이뉴스>In a phone call with, “Originally, opposition nominating committee members (attorneys Lee Heon and Lim Jeong-hyuk) said that each meeting should receive additional recommendations and select the right person.” In the state, it is recommended that the subjects say that it is not a bridesmaid,” he said.

I decided to recommend additional candidates by the 23rd, but…

Attorney Lee Heon also said, “(This additional recommendation) was made by Minister of Justice Chu Mi-ae,” he said. “The person who had previously considered it was decided, and I was concerned whether the government would recommend’he’.” It is the story of’Lee Kwang-beom’s additional recommendation message, which has recently risen again.

Attorney Lee Kwang-beom, who is evaluated for his progressive tendencies, is a former judge, but he also has experience in special prosecutors at Naegok-dong, former president Lee Myung-bak. He has always been on the nomination for the Minister of Airborne Affairs, but has been omitted from the actual list. But for 21 days <조선일보>“As it is known that Minister Choo Mi-ae strongly insisted on recommending additional candidates, the theory of recommending progressive lawyers such as Lee Kwang-beom is discussed,” he reported.

However, when asked about the prospect of the meeting on the 28th, attorney Lee Heon said, “It is the previous judges plus alpha, but there may be no alpha.” “We talked about the recommendations of the two at the last meeting,” he added. “It’s the key to go or not.”

The current atmosphere is close to’the side without alpha’. It is known that not only the ruling party, but also Cho Jae-yeon, Minister of Court Administration, Choo Mi-ae, and Lee Chan-hee, president of the Korean Bar Association, have no plans to recommend additional candidates. An official from the Minister of Airborne Candidate Recommendation Committee said, “I cannot realistically produce a decent candidate.” said.

This official thought that’Lee Kwang-beom’s additional recommendation was close to myth. He said, “Even if the quorum of votes has been reduced to 5 (from 6 due to the revision of the law), will it be passed?” and said, “The Korean Bar Association and the court administration will not easily agree.” As the recommendation of lawyer Lee Kwang-beom itself is difficult to avoid political controversy, it means that there is a high possibility that the neutral-minded Deputy Director Cho Jae-yeon and Chairman Lee Chan-hee will object.

In the end, if the meeting is held on the 28th without’Plus Alpha’, the first two candidates for the head of airlift will come out of the following eight.

-Democratic Party’s recommendation: Attorney Kwon Dong-joo, Attorney Jeon Jong-min
-Recommended by the People’s Power side: Former Suwon District Prosecutor, Kang Chan-woo, Kim Gyeong-soo, former Daegu High Prosecutor
-Cho Jae-yeon, Director of Court Administration Recommendation: Choi Woon-sik attorney
-Recommendation of Justice Minister Cho Mi-ae: Attorney Hyun-jung Jeon
-Lee Chan-hee, Chairman of the Byun Association: Kim Jin-wook, Senior Researcher at the Constitutional Court, Lee Kun-ri, Vice-Chairman of the People’s Rights Committee

‘Launched within this year’ has gone far, but two candidates will vote on the 28th

  On the afternoon of the 18th, at the 5th meeting of the Candidate Recommendation Committee for the Chief of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KPA) held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, Chairman Cho Jae-yeon taps the gavel and declares a dog.
On the afternoon of the 18th, at the 5th meeting of the Candidate Recommendation Committee for the Chief of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KPA) held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, Chairman Cho Jae-yeon taps the gavel and declares a dog.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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On the other hand, the candidate recommendation committee for the head of the Gongsu is empty due to the resignation of the opposition recommendation member Lim Jeong-hyuk. At a press conference on the 23rd, Ho-young Joo, the head of the People’s Power, said, “I’m almost ready by contacting someone who could be a candidate for (recommended committee),” he said. “I can recommend it tomorrow (24th).”

However, no matter who becomes the new nominating committee member, the list of candidates does not change. At the last meeting, the candidate recommendation committee for the Minister of Public Transport decided not to recommend additional candidates even if the opposition party elects a new member. Even if a new nominating member insists on exercising the right of recommendation at a meeting, it can be rejected by a committee resolution. Even if two of the opposition nominating committee members disagree with all seven members, the remaining five can make a final conclusion.

If you cross the mountain like this and then cross the mountain again, this time you will be’really’. The Minister of Airborne Candidate Recommendation Committee is scheduled to hold the 6th meeting at the National Assembly at 2 pm on the 28th to finalize two candidates for the Minister of Airlift (related article: Candidate of the Minister of Airlift, to be decided on the 28th).
