“Real estate tax loose” Si-min Yoo estimates a profit of 600 million units in Bangbae villa

Yoo Si-min YouTube, Alileo. [유튜브 캡처]

Yoo Si-min YouTube, Alileo. [유튜브 캡처]

It was revealed that the chairman of the Roh Moo Hyun-dan, Ryu Si-min, who actively spoke out on the real estate issue, resides in a luxury villa in Bangbae-dong, Seoul.

According to a certified copy of the register, Chairman Yoo’s spouse A purchased a villa in Bangbae-dong, Seoul, for 1.37 billion won in December 2017. The area is 195.65㎡ (about 59 pyeong). Chairman Yoo lived in another villa in Bangbae-dong and has been living there since February 2019, about a year after the purchase.

Considering that the villa does not have a mortgage setting, it seems that Mr. A did not take a loan from the bank using this villa as collateral.

This six-story villa has only 18 households. After Mr. A bought the house, there is no record of sales, so the latest market price is unknown. However, the published price of this villa in 2020 is up 9.8% compared to 2019. In a call with the JoongAng Ilbo, the president of a nearby real estate brokerage said, “Because of the villa, the transaction is not active like an apartment, so the exact price is not known.”

Chairman Yoo made a strong voice on the real estate problem when the problem of house prices became serious in the Moon Jae-in administration. In the book criticism YouTube broadcast’Alileo Season 3’on the theme of Henry George’s book 『Progress and Poverty』 on the 1st, he said, “It is not a level that does not collect a particularly high tax on the profits made from real estate, but rather than income tax Many point out that it is too loosely taxed,” he said. “It is reasonable to tax unearned income at a higher rate.”

In the video released on December 25 last year, when asked about New Year’s wishes, he replied, “I hope it will become a world where we can no longer even think of’I have to buy and sell land to become rich’.”

Reporter Heo Jin [email protected]
