“Rather, suffering from Kim Bo-reum’s false interview”

First trial of Kim Bo-reum’s handoff… Ryeon-yeong “will file a counterclaim”

Kim Bo-reum (left) and Rohn-young Lee
Kim Bo-reum (left) and Rohn-young Lee

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Hwang Jae-ha = In a false interview of Kim Bo-reum (Gangwon Provincial Office), who was caught up in the controversy of’bullying driving’ at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics speed skating competition I suffered mental pain,” he refuted.

The 36th Division of the Civil Agreement of the Seoul Central District Court (Deputy Judge Hwang Soon-Hyun) held the first date of pleading for a damages lawsuit against Kim Bo-reum, who claimed 200 million won against Roh Roh. At the trial that day, the two players did not appear, only the legal representatives of both sides.

Roh’s agent said, “We have to follow the judgment of whether violence and assault constitute illegal activities among athletes, but the defendant was a four-year senior at Korea Sports University than the plaintiff and did not legally violate the social norms.”

He said, “Even if it becomes an illegal act, not only has the statute of limitations on the illegal act been completed in 2011, 2013, and 2016, but it is questionable whether it is appropriate to file a lawsuit at this point.”

He pointed out, “It is also questionable whether the plaintiff is actually proceeding with the lawsuit or whether the Korea Ice Skating Federation borrows the plaintiff’s name and proceeds as a proxy.”

“The defendant did not give a false interview,” said the representative of Roh Roh-young’s side. “The plaintiff’s interview will cause the public to petition the Blue House, and it may be necessary to hear whether the plaintiff is stressed by the defendant.” He said, “The defendant will also file a counterclaim, taking into account that he suffered mentally from the plaintiff’s false interview.”

In response, the representative of Boreum Kim refuted, “Please refrain from saying that it is an association-level lawsuit.”

After confirming the positions of the two sides, the court ended the trial on the same day, asking for additional documents and documents to prove the claim. The date for the next pleading is March 17.

Roh Roh and Bo-reum Kim participated in the quarterfinals of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, overtaking the women’s speed skating team, along with Ji-woo Park. In this game, Kim Bo-reum first passed the finish line, and Noh Yoo-young came in a long way behind, and the criticism that Kim Bo-reum was unable to take care of the last runner, No.

In January 2019, Bo-reum Kim filed a lawsuit for compensation for damages claiming 200 million won against Roon-young in November 2020 after conducting a media interview alleging that he was constantly harassed and abused by Roh Roh.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism introduced an expert opinion that Kim Bo-reum did not intentionally accelerate through a specific audit three months after the game, and that it is advantageous to shorten the record even if the gaps open at the end of the game.

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