Rapper Boatman Yoo Seung-jun Advocate How clean are you yourself… Cowardly humans

Rapper boatman, Yoo Seung-joon advocate “Is it so fun to go around and get one person George?
In fact, if you do a little damage to yourself, you don’t speak up
“How clean are you, cowardly humans who are going to go

Rapper Boatman/Photo = Boatman Instagram

Rapper Boatman/Photo = Boatman Instagram

Rapper boatman posted an article advocating for American Steve Yoo (hereinafter Yoo Seung-jun).

On the 22nd, the boatman told his social network service (SNS) with a picture of Yoo Seung-jun, “Is it so fun to get together and get one person? “I uploaded.

On the 19th, Yoo Seung-jun posted on his YouTube channel, saying,’Proposition of the Five Laws against the Source of Yoo Seung-jun?? Rep. Kim Byung-joo Are you kidding me? I uploaded a video titled’I’ll start now with the words I’ve endured so far.’

In the video, Seung-Jun Yoo showed resentment with tears in relation to the initiative of the’Yoo Seung-Jun Prevention 5 Act’. At the same time, it is controversial over the misrepresentation of the inter-Korean summit between President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong-un, and even the 2002 US military girl crushing death accident in the wrong name.

After leaving the country before enlisting in the military, Yoo Seung-jun was banned from entering the country in 2002 because he gave up his Korean nationality, obtained US citizenship, and did not fulfill his military service obligations.

Yoo Seung-jun, who filed a lawsuit for canceling visa issuance, won the Supreme Court in March, but was rejected again in July.

On the other hand, the boatman is a member of Cro Rijit Guns under the label Super Jam Records made by DJ DOC and released his 3rd regular album ‘777’ on the 17th.

Kim Jeong-ho, visiting reporter at Hankyung.com [email protected]

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