‘Rape assault’ every night in poor Japanese shelters… Revelation after 10 years of the earthquake

'Rape assault' every night in poor Japanese shelters...  Revelation after 10 years of the earthquake
Residents silent for victims in the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 김소영 기자] In 10 years, sexual assault against women in a shelter that was poor during the’Great East Japan Earthquake’, which triggered the explosion of a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, was revealed in 10 years.

On the afternoon of March 11, 2011, a huge earthquake occurred off the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Sanriku, Japan. At that time, the magnitude of the earthquake was a strong earthquake of 9.0, the largest ever observed in the modern earthquake in Japan.

On the 11th, the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, NHK in Japan broadcast a documentary called’Buried voices’. The documentary dealt with the victims of sexual assault by women living in three prefectures, Fukushima, Iwate, and Miyagi, which were the most affected by the earthquake.

According to an NHK documentary, a woman who lost her husband in the earthquake said, “The shelter manager blatantly forced sex, saying,’It’s a big deal because I don’t have a husband. I’ll give you a towel or food, so come at night.'”

Another woman, who was in her twenties at the time, said, “It seemed that the men in the shelter were getting weird. At night, a man came into the blanket where the woman was lying, and caught a woman and took her to a dark place to remove her clothes I said. However, he said, “People around me said,’They are too young to help,’ and everyone couldn’t see it,” he said.

Another woman confessed that she had been abused by several men. He confessed, “I was worried that I would be thrown into the sea if I was killed if I was killed,” he said.

Those who became refugees in an instant due to the earthquake stayed in shelters with no partitions and nothing but thin sheets and blankets, and women in those shelters claimed that such crimes took place countless times every day.

The’Companion Hotline’, a female-only counseling line established to help earthquake victims with family, work, and mental health problems several months after the disaster, analyzed the contents of 360,000 counseling received between 2013 and 2018 in February last year. Published one result.

As a result of the analysis, more than 50% of counseling in the three prefectures affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake were related to sexual violence. In particular, about 40% of the victims were young women in their teens and twenties.

“The anniversary of the disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake recalls the memories of the victims and reminds them of the experience of being raped 10 years ago,” said Tomoko Endo’s “24 Hour Hotline.” “We need to prevent women and children from becoming victims of the’second disaster’.”

Intern reporter Kim So-young [email protected]
