Rain “We never have a couple fight with Tae-hee Kim…Considering retirement for the family” (Comprehensive)

KBS 2TV’Sumi Lodge’ capture © News1

Singer Rain revealed about her marital life with her wife, actor Kim Tae-hee, and her concerns as a singer.

Rain received a question about the couple’s conflict from comedian Park Myung-soo in the SKY and KBS 2TV entertainment program’Sumi Lodge’, which aired on the afternoon of the 4th.

On this day, Rain replied, “I am always grateful, because I am so happy,” and “I have a little happiness that I didn’t know when I was solo” when asked how it feels like living with’Goddess’ Kim Tae-hee. Then, regarding the couple’s fight, she said, “There is no such thing, I have never had a couple fight.”

Park Myung-soo agreed, saying, “It was the same for me that I worked hard to meet my beloved wife.” Then Rain threw a nong saying, “I see my sister-in-law too much of a waste.”

Park Myung-soo said, “Even though I love and chase like that, there are times when I hate and fight when time passes.”

“’Why can’t the heart that I loved before can’t beat this?’ I feel like that, and I feel like I shouldn’t do this, and I get back my mind. You should have that kind of mind too,” he advised.

But Rain couldn’t agree with Park Myung-soo’s words, and Park Myung-soo was embarrassed by saying, “I seem to be consulting more about my concerns.” Rain made a laugh by saying, “Hyung, are you having a lot of trouble these days? It looks difficult,” and “Let’s get together at home tomorrow, let’s have a drink of soju.”

On this day, Rain brought in the members of the new boy group Cyper and introduced “It’s a group I’m making, but only 3 out of 7 people, Hyunbin, Tan, and Keita.” Leader Hyunbin explained, “It means’password’. It has the meaning of an idol with a password.”

When I met them, Kim Soo-mi asked, “When rain teaches, it’s scary and tough.” Rain admitted, “I’m not scared, but I’m tight.”

At the same time, he revealed the reason for the appearance. Rain said, “Once I wanted to see Mr. Kim Soo-mi so much, these friends were ahead of their debut, but I wanted to hear the know-how of Mr. Kim Soo-mi, who is a huge senior in the entertainment industry.” In addition, it gave me a laugh.

Rain explained, “Now Cypher is coming out on March 15th, and the debut song is’I don’t like it,’ and the name of the song means that there are a lot of other idols, but we don’t like it.”

Rain also revealed his concerns about retirement. He said, “If I keep working, these guys (Cyphers) take a lot of time. I have all my plans and plans because of them, but now that I have a family, I retire after seeing Cypher’s success for a few years. I want to do it,” he confessed.

He said, frankly, “I was worried about whether it was right for my family to be there 24 hours (by my family) or whether it was work or my family.”

After hearing Rain’s worries, Kim Soo-mi said, “No, you have to work until you die.” He said, “That’s why my family is comfortable, too. I have endless four meals, but if I set a day to retire in advance and stay with my kids, I get sick. I have to continue whether I’m writing music or cultivating juniors.”

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