‘Radio Star’ Song Ga-in explodes honest talk… Until clarification of rumors of ’10 billion profit theory’ (total)

MBC’Radio Star’ © News1

Singer Song Ga-in appeared in’Radio Star’.

In MBC’Radio Star’, which aired on the afternoon of the 30th, Song Ga-in appeared, clarifying the rumors surrounding him, and boasting an honest talk.

Song Ga-in surprised everyone by expressing herself as a’old trot star’. I thought that the trot boom that occurred after Song Ga-in caused a lot of trot contest programs at each broadcasting company, and the number of latecomers hitting it horribly increased, so I thought it was slow. Song Ga-in said honestly, “The fans listened to a lot of songs, but the fans were all scattered, so it was obvious.”

Subsequently, Song Ga-in expressed his ambition, saying that he suffered from constant bad comments such as’a singer without a hit song’ and said, “I am preparing to write a hit song to the sound of making my hit song instead of others.”

Song Ga-in introduced his fortune in 2021, which he confirmed through YouTube, saying, “The shamans produced a lot of content on my own.” Two or three new songs are hitting the jackpot this year. Next, Song Ga-in said of his mother who is a shaman, “Mother tells me that bad things are harmless, but he doesn’t talk about good things”. “Because I’m a child, it’s difficult to maintain neutrality. It was more.

Song Ga-in, who aired a solo concert at the prime time of terrestrial broadcasting following Lee Mija, Cho Yong-pil, and Na Hoon-ah, said, “This is the first time a young singer’s concert has been on air since the seniors.” Accordingly, MC Ahn Young-mi gave power to Song Ga-in, saying, “I don’t think the hit song will be a big stumbling block.” Then, Song Ga-in said, “I want to do a performance that fills only my hit songs.”

Song Ga-in talked about various rumors surrounding him. Song Ga-in confessed that moving from a wallet house to a private house was the biggest expenditure, saying, “I didn’t make that way, but it was burdensome to get misunderstandings.”

Next, he explained that it was a luxury purchase for people who had not been able to present, including personal Pansori teachers, saying, “I was trying to give a gift to reward those who were grateful for income.”

Last year, Song Ga-in was shocked when he confessed to his agency, “I asked for’I’m going to die'” on an unreasonable schedule. When the face was swollen after 2-3 hours of sleeping time and irregular meals, there were many malicious comments that misunderstood this. Next, Song Ga-in said, “I was like an aunt because I was singing among idol groups,” saying that he was most reluctant to appear on music broadcasts.

At the end of the broadcast, Song Ga-in was excited with the stage of the new song’I Love Trot’.

On this day,’Radio Star’ was decorated with a special feature of’I think I was born again’, and in addition to Song Ga-in, Jo Young-nam, Swings, and Yu-Kiss Soo-hyun appeared, and Din Dean joined as a special MC.

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