“Radio Star” 1 million economy YouTuber Shuka, Pimaly unveils Securities Man Life

'radio star'

‘radio star’

One million economy YouTuber Shuka appeared on’Radio Star’ and revealed that she became a trader because of her unexpected equipment greedy monitor.

Today (6th), the MBC entertainment program’Radio Star’, which is scheduled to air at 10:30 pm, pre-released a video containing an episode of’Shooka’s Blood Drying Seol’.

On this day,’Radio Star’ will be decorated with a special feature of’I’ll Give You New Year’ with 4-person singer Baek Ji-young, a girl group Crayon Pop-born Soyul, broadcaster Kim Sae-rom, and one million economy YouTuber Shuka. .

Shuka, a fund manager at a securities company and a former bond prop trader, tells stories about the reason why she introduced talk content on the topic of economy on the YouTube channel’Shuka World’, the current state of investment, and the past 10 years of enrollment at Seoul National University.

In the pre-released video, Shuka said, “I became a new employee, but I only gave two monitors, so my friends next to me were inside the windows, and the monitor was like a spaceship.”

“I also asked for multiple monitors. “I changed the team because it couldn’t be done,” he said. “Because of an unexpected greed for equipment (?), the department was moved from the management management team to the asset management team.

Following that, Shuka talked about the good points of a stock man and caused laughter by saying that he could brag, saying, “It’s been ‘300 billion won in hair’ while in the hair salon.” Jang Dong-min, who pressed the comedy button at Shuka’s story, said, “I’ll send 700 billion won, so I’ll buy soup and eat only 5,000 won!”

In addition, Shuka revealed the stories of securities men who seemed to be hard to bear without a strong heart and focused everyone. “The money given is 10 billion won, and if you lose 5-10% here, you lose your job.” “If you bet a lot, you can’t see the monitor. I read comic books on purpose.”

Then, special MC Jang Dong-min said, “You are reading comic books? After betting 200 billion?” he responded, causing laughter. Shuka sweaty with Jang Dong-min’s Kan-jok gag and said, “If you are looking at the monitor, you can’t bear it. You’re even looking at an erotic site. But no one can say anything.”

‘Las’ MCs laughed at Shuka when he revealed an embarrassing and interesting story, “I don’t think you’re just watching it to endure?”, “Aren’t you betting 200 billion won to see that?”

The interesting world of stock men told by Shuka can be confirmed through’Radio Star’, which airs at 10:30 pm today (6th).

Reporter Park Jung-sun [email protected]
